She is you. Part 2.

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Tim was finishing some paperworks when his phone rang.

" Bradford ? Yes. She... What ? When ? On my way. Yes, of course. Thank you ".

Before leaving his office, Tim took a deep breath and went to find Lucy at her desk.

" Lucy, Just got a call from school, Principal are waiting for us. Now. "

" I... No, don't say anything. 

Thirty minutes later, they found Elya, sat next the principal office. When she spotted them it was impossible for her to read her dads face, her mothers one on the other side was crystal clear, she was pissed.

" Mum, Dad, I ... "

" No, don't. We had this discussion last month..  " Answered Lucy.

" But, Mum I ... "

" Els, for once, please listen to your mother.. "

She looked at her father and nodded. Tim took a minute to look at her fourteen years old girl, he brushed softly her injured cheek.

" You okay ? "

" Yeah. Better than him... "

" What happened ? "

" Tim... "

" Mum is really pissed off, hm ? " she whispered to her fathers ear. 

He looked at her, smiled quickly and took Lucy's hand. It was not the first time they were sitting here, with their daughter. It was not the first time something happened. In front of them, a teenage boy, around Elya's age, was sitting next to his parents. And well, Elya was right, he was not that okay.  The principal opened the door and asked everyone to come in. Lucy was surprised to find Maddie, her nine years old daughter sat in the principal office. Her eyes were puffy and red. When she saw her mum, she immediatly ran into her arms.

" Mrs and Mr Bradford, Mrs and Mr Miller, Elya, Maddie and Luke, please have a sit. Two hours ago, Elya and Luke had a fight. Let me be clear kids, in this school, we talk we don't fight. Now, could you, explain to us what happened ? "

" Mrs Mendoza, excuse me, but my son is not a fighter... "

" Mr Miller, i'm pretty sure Elya didn't hit her face herself... Luke, can you start ? "

" Yeah, em, I was just there, talking to friends when she came and started to yell at me an... "

" Liar. " It was Elya voice.

" Elya could you please wait your turn " asked the principal " Luke, continue "

" And i responded, she didn't like it and she hit me... "

" Liar. "

" You didn't hit me ? I'm sure i didn't hit my face alone. "

" I hit you, twice. But you're lying. "

" See, Mrs Mendoza she hit me, twice. "

" You were not just talking to your friends. You were making fun of Maddie. She was stuck against the lockers, you and your stupid friends in front of her, laughing. She is 9, you're 15, what's wrong with you ? She was what, an easy target ? She was scared, her bag was on the floor, school stuffs out of her bag, she was crying, and you were laughing. I asked you to stop, to let her alone, but you pushed me, twice telling me " I will be the next ". I'm not my sister. So yeah, I hit you, twice. And you know what ? Try again to hurt her, and i will be glad to hit you again. And i'm sorry Mum Dad, Mrs Mendoza but i'm not going to make any apologize to him. Him on the other side have to make some to Maddie. "

" I didn't do anything. She's lying ... "

" No I don't. "

" You hit for no reason. "

" I had a reason. But I can hit you again with no reason that time. "

" Els, stop. " Tim voice was sharp.

The room was silent. Luke has a satisfaying smile on his face while Elya was furious. Her eyes were glossy, her fingers were fidgetting together.

" Elya is not a liar. Luke is. She wanted to protect me. That's all. "

Everyone looked at Maddie, sitting next to her mum.

" I... I... never told anyone. But... It... it was not the first time. I was scared. And a friend of mine went to find Els, and... and she came and she... she.. was there. "

Maddie explained everything. Luke tried to deny it.

" Well, even if your intentions were good, Elya, you can't start a fight to protect your sister. You are banned for two days. Luke, you are excluded for the week; Bullying is not something we tolerate at this school. And you, Maddie, my door is always open. "

After few words with the principal and Luke's parents, Lucy and Tim hugged their youngest and left the school with Elya.

" Els, shop right now. "

" Ok Mum "

And she did. Her parents needed to have a little talk in private.

" She is so you Tim. Both of you are going to kill me one day. "

" She is so me ? "

" The fierce protector. You are, she is. "

" Still mad ? "

" Yes and no. Fight is not the answer. "

" She wanted to protect Mads. We can't blame her. "

" Hm, i know... But, a fight Tim ? Again ? "

" She fights like her mother.. Did you see Luke's face ? "

" Tim... stop it idiot "

He kissed her quickly before they opened the door.

" Are we going home ? "

" No, station. Maybe you forgot your father and i are working. You will have to wait until the end of the day in your fathers office. End of discussion. "

When she finished her book, Elya informed her father she was going to grab a snack. But instead, she went to her mothers desk.

" Mum ? Can we talk ? "

" Els... "

" Mum please. "

" Ok, sit, i'm listenning "

" I'm sorry. I know you're mad. I'm sorry. Really. But Mads needed me. She was crying. I needed to protect her. I'm the big sister, i have to protect her. She was so... fragile. It broke my heart. I had to do something, to stop it. "

" Listen peanut, you wanted to protect her, i get it, i'm proud of you for that, but you can't hit people, You know Luke's parents could press charges on you ? I don't want to see you here, cuffed. Next time find another solution to protect you sister. Think before. It's not the first time your principal called us. We had this discussion. I know your intention are good everytime, but, babe, please...  "

" Sorry Mum... "

" It's okay. You're your father carbon copy... You're driving me crazy, the both of you. "

" And dad said i'm yours. Who am i supposed to believe ?  "

" Me of course. Go back to your fathers office. "

" I love you Mum...  "

She grew up so fast. Yesterday she was her tiny little baby and today.. Well today she was her sister fierce protector.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
08/09/24 : Hello Guys ! Part 2 is here :) ! Hope you liked it. I will try to post more than once a week, i can't promise anything but i will try ! Don't forget to vote and comment. It helps. Take care of you Xx.

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