Last small doses.

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The aftermath of having sex was their favorite—cuddling in silence, both naked. Tim's fingers traced lazy patterns on her back as he stared at the ceiling, an idiotic smile plastered on his face. Lucy's head rested on his chest, her hand on his bicep, half-asleep, syncing her breathing with his. They could spend hours like this. Just the two of them, the outside world nonexistent.

Lucy was the love of his life. After an eight-month battle to win her back, a year ago, he kissed her for the second first time. He gave her, and them, the time to heal from what he had done. At first, it was cold, but her friendship was the first thing he won back. Step by step, something stronger than before began to grow. His "small doses" helped, starting with simple drinks after work and evolving into real dates. One, in particular, stood out—a surprise trip to a place she always talked about. Tim had listened, done his research, and took them there. Her reaction was beyond anything he could have hoped for. That night, when he dropped her off, a glance from her eyes to his lips gave him the courage to kiss her.

Lucy moved from her spot and sat in the middle of the bed. All Tim could see was her bare back and the messy bun on her head. After sneaking a photo of the sight, he sat up behind her, wrapping his arms around her, kissing her neck before resting his chin on her shoulder.

She smiled. Tim was undeniably the love of her life too. He was different now—still the man she had fallen in love with the first time, but now he was breathing again. Working through his trauma, realizing he deserved love, was a turning point. He allowed himself to be vulnerable, to share his feelings, and to cry when he needed to. Not everything was fixed, but now he talked instead of running away. That was enough for her. Enough to trust him again with her heart. They weren't perfect, nor did they want to be; they were just healthier.

"Marry me."


"Marry me, Lucy."

"Say it again."

"Marry me."


"Marry me."




They were both smiling like the lovestruck fools they were. It wasn't a fancy proposal in a nice place. They were naked, in the middle of Lucy's bed, and the ring Tim bought was still at his house. It was them—messy but true to who they were.

His entire future was here, in his arms. The woman he loved, nestled against his bare chest, had said yes. And he couldn't help but smile.

"I've got a ring, you know. I bought it days after I promised you 'small doses.'"

"That confident, huh?"

"It was supposed to be my last small dose."

"Well, it seemed to work."

"Apparently, and I didn't even have to go to Hawaii for you to say yes."

"Oh, shut up."

"So predictable."

They stayed in bed a little longer, wrapped up in each other. Tim kissed her cheek, got dressed, and told her he was going to make breakfast. She nodded, lying back in bed for a moment before joining him.

Her entire future was in the kitchen, making her breakfast. He had just asked her, out of nowhere, in the pure intimacy of her bed, and she hadn't hesitated for a second. A grin spread across her face as she imagined their future, maybe even children one day. The delicious smell of breakfast drifted into the bedroom, reminding her of where Tim was. Leaning against the doorway, she watched him.

"What?" he asked, looking up in her direction.

"Hm, nothing. Just enjoying the view." She walked over and hugged him. "And..."


"We should move in together now that we're, you know, engaged."

"Your place?"

"Do you really want to live with my roommate? I love her, but..." She whispered into his ear. "If I wanted you on this counter for breakfast instead of pancakes, well, with her there, it'd be... impossible."

"You're going to be the death of me."

"I know, but you love me for it."

"Sit and eat. You'll need fuel for later. I won't let your whisper go unpunished."

"Yes, sir."

She knew she was in trouble. And she loved it. And she realized, this was going to be her life, until death do them part.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
17/10/24. Hello! Just a little something. I started this story before the photo Nathan posted yesterday ;-) how funny ! Please vote and comment! It helps.

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