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3am. They both opened their eyes. "Your turn," she said. Lucy was up at midnight. "Change the diaper first, then the bottle." It's been one month since their daughter was born. They are still learning how to be parents, cops, and couples at the same time. Lucy still has one month of maternity leave. Everything changed in one month, for the best. Funny how every time it's Tim's turn, she reminds him what he has to do, even if she knows he already knows. Maybe it's a mom thing?

Tim got up and took his daughter in his arms. He calmed her before doing anything else. He loves her so much—more than everyone could imagine. If he had to describe, he would probably answer "love at first sight.". He changed her diaper, then ran to the kitchen to make her bottle and sat on the couch to feed her. He loved these moments with her, but he knows they won't last forever.

Lucy got up and looked at them. She smiled. She remembers how Tim was afraid of being like his dad and not being a good father to their daughter. He was so insecure about fatherhood. But now, when she looked at him, something changed. He changed. For the best. She went to sit next to them.

T - You should sleep right now.
L -  Yeah, I know, but I couldn't anymore.
T -  Why?
L - She is one month old today. Time flies so quickly. How is it possible? I'm not ready to leave her.
T - You still have one month, babe.
L -  I'm sure I won't be ready in one month; she is so tiny.
T - I know, but she will be fine.
L - Hm...

She stayed with them until the baby finished her bottle. They took her with them into their bed, Lucy needed cuddle time, with her, with Tim. Motherhood changed her too. She missed her job, but she knew she will miss her daughter more. She knew she had one more month left before everything changes again.

Tim was back at work 3 weeks after her birth. It was a shared choice. It was not easy for him to leave both of them, but he had to. Except closest friends, no one saw Tim on father duty. Angela made fun of him when she discovered a different Tim. Lucy softened him first, but his daughter softened him more. And when he was at work, Tim held his sergent / TO positon. " Three men in one body, you are amazing Bradford ".

One month after.

Tomorrow lucy will be back on patrol. Today she's paying a visit to the station during lunch break. She obviously took her daughter with her. Everyone was happy to see her, and finaly meeting " Baby boot " as Tim loved to call her. She found him in his office. Tim smiled and get up to kiss his girls. It was a nice lunch break.

For her first day back, she needed to trust the person who would take care of her daughter. She asked Tamara. Everything was ready. Not her.

8 a.m., she locks her locker; time for roll call. She took a seat next to Nolan. She showed him the last picture of her baby before Grey and Tim showed up.

G - Glad to have you back on patrol, Officer Chen.
L - Same, sir!

They gave everyone job for the day, "Be safe out there ". Tim gave that look to Lucy, they were now alone.

T - You ok?
L - Yeah..
T - L..Lucy?
L - No, I'm not; I miss her.
T - I miss her too, but, listen, she's with Tamara; you know she's safe with her.
L - Yes, i know.. See you at lunch ? Celina is waiting for me

It was hard not to kiss her right now, but his look spoke for him.

It felt good to be back on patrol. Nothing changed in LA. She was riding with Celina. They talked a lot about her daughter and how hard it was this morning to leave her home.

L - I was ready for a lot of things, but not for that. I mean, she is tiny; she needs me, but at the same time, I need to work. It's so ambivalent, you know?
C - Don't blame yourself, it's a new life you have now, you need to make some adjustement. But i'm sure, you will handle it.
L -  Yes, sure. I hope Tamara is taking care of her right now. Not ready for the unknown nanny part. One step at a time. Stop being the center of attention here; what about you?

It was nice to talk to an adult and have a conversation. Nice to arrest bad guys too. During lunch break, she had facetime with Tamara.

L - How is she ? Is she nice with you ?
Ta - Everything is perfect, she is adorable, she ate well, she slept well too. We went outside for a walk, i mean i walk she slept. I just fed her 15 minutes ago...
L - Show me her face
Ta - Iris, listen mommy's here, and i'm pretty sure daddy's not far away from her
L - Oh hello sweety, mommy's at work right now, you good with Tam? Be a nice girl. Look Daddy's here too.
T - Hey baby boot, still awake? Don't mess with Tamara. Yeah that's it, give me that smile. See you in few hours, love you little bean.
L - Mommy love you too, and Tamara ?
Ta - Yes ?
L - Thank you, i love you too. She hung up.
T - You saw that smile?
L - Everytime she heard you... everytime.

True, every time Iris heard her father's voice, she smiled. The first one was magical.

At 8 p.m., Lucy was waiting for Tim next to his truck. It was time to go home. Here he is. A quick but soft kiss before starting the car.

T - How was your day?
L - Good to be back and being Lucy Chen, Police officer.
T - We need to change that
L - What?
T - Your name.
L - What's wrong with my name?
T - It's not the same as me and Iris...
L - Oh, that, I see. You proposed two months ago; I said yes, remember?
T - Hm, hm
L - With your daughter and us back at work, we didn't have so much time to talk about it... But hey, it's going to happen sooner or later.
T - I know. I hope sooner than later; we don't need something fancy.
L - I really softened you, Tim Bradford.
T - Not the topic. Here we are.

He parked his car in the driveway. Lucy jumped out of the car. She opened the door and found Tamara sitting on the couch with Iris in her arms.

Ta - Mommy's home, look.

Lucy gave a kiss to Tamara's head before taking her baby against her. She loved her smell. She loves her. She missed her so much. Tamara talked about the day she had with Iris and took time to speak with Lucy and Tim before she left.

Lucy took time to cuddle her while Tim was making her bottle. He knew she needed that time with her. Recharging her mom battery. After being fed, changed and cuddled, Lucy put her sweet baby into her crib. She put camera on, and went to the backyard find Tim.

L - She's sleeping. I missed her so much.
T - Come here. Hug her.
L - I can't still believe we made her. Look at her.
T - First try: Success.
L - When I thought about how difficult it was to have her, I mean...
T -  I know. Bed time?
L - Oh yes, please...

They closed everything and went to their bedroom.

L - You know she's sleeping right now, and I'm about to take my shower...
T - What do you mean?
L - Maybe you can join me?

And she just disappeared into the bathroom. He joined her right away. They loved showers. It was their thing. He took off his clothes and got in the shower. The water was warm. He hugged her behind her back and started to kiss her neck and shoulder. It felt good. It was the first time since Iris birth. It was good to meet her again. They both needed it. After all that mess, after the real shower, they laid down in bed. He went to her side of the bed.

They fell asleep pretty quickly. And one hour later, they heard a tiny cry coming from the crib. It was Tim's turn.

L - Your turn. Chang...
T - Diaper first, bottle then. Stay in bed.

She smiled. He knew she wouldn't, and he was right. She joined them five minutes later.

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Hello everyone ! Hope you enjoyed my stories.. It's short, but hope you will like it ! If you have idea and want me to write something with it feel free to tell :)! Please vote and comment it helps :)

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