1051200 minutes.

2.1K 26 4

It's been two years, 24 months, 730 days, 17520 hours, 1051200 minutes, and 63072000 seconds. He smiled when he read that on Google. What was his research for? Curiosity.

T - Marry me.

It was unexpected. She was barely awake. He was next to her, awake for one hour. It was not planned. He was just looking at her sleeping when this idea came to his mind. It's her. He didn't have more explanations to give. She sat on her bed and looked at him, confused.

L - Say it again.
T -  Marry me.

Millions of butterflies were in her stomach. Unexpected question. Love. A smile was stuck on her face right now. She came closer to him, put her hand on his face, and kissed him.

L - Yes.

The plan was not that one. He wanted a romantic date night somewhere on a specific date. He didn't buy a ring for her. Instead of this, he opened his eyes this morning, looked at her, realized he couldn't wait anymore, and asked. She said yes. She fucking said yes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tim was sitting outside, next to the Mexican food truck. Lunch break. Angela sat next to him. She was on the phone, talking about a case. She hung up quickly and focused on him.

T - She said yes.
A - To what?
T - I proposed this morning.

Angela was over the moon for him and for them. He went through a lot, especially when he was married to Isabel. Her addiction destroyed him. Lucy saved him.

T - I need to buy her a ring.
A - You asked without, and the girl said yes. You're a lucky blonde.

He rolled his eyes. She asked him a lot of details about his proposal; she wanted to know everything. And he was happy to tell her. He was just happy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

She met him next to his truck, asking for a hug.

L - Rough call...
T - You want to talk about it?
L - A mom jumped through the window with her baby, both of whom died. Her boyfriend was abusive with her; she was afraid; he was drunk and threatening; and then, you know, she jumped. 5 Floors.

They went back home. She took a long and warm shower. She wanted to forget it, but she will never forget it. She was upset; she was sad. A mix of emotions. She went to the living room and sat next to Tim. He hugged her. She was safe with him. He was his safe place.

T - I have to buy you a ring...
L - I don't need one, Tim.
T - I will buy you a ring.
L -  I know you will
T - I can't believe you said yes. I mean, it was not the most romantic proposal.
L - It was perfect, just the two of us; it was not too much.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He got that ring. He asked to ride with her today. I wanted to make it a little bit special anyway. They get a call about a missing kid at the mall. It was easy to work together, even if it was occasional. They found the kid in a candy shop.

They were on patrol in LA streets when Tim decided to park the shop on a random street. Lucy was surprised.

L - Something wrong?
T - Kind of...

He took a little box from his pocket and turned his head toward her.

T - You're missing a little something.

He opened the box.

T - Marry me, Lucy.

She nodded, and he put the ring on her finger. She looked at it teary-eyed. It was perfect.

L - I thought no personnal things in the shop ?
T - Yeah, maybe I wanted to keep a souvenir of that.
L - Why??
T - In case someday our grandkids ask how I proposed to you,.

She smiled and kissed him. Grandkids will also have that on camera.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Hi everyone! It's a very short one today. When i was writting this story, an other one came to my mind. I didn't want to mix the 2 stories. Take care, and if you have request, just ask! xx.

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