In one blink.

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Shock, denial, anger, depression, and acceptance were the five different stages of grief.

The hardest thing when someone died was when you didn't get the chance to say goodbye. Sometimes your last word was not the one you wished for. Sometimes there were no words, just actions. The last thing she remembered was a quick hug and a last look.

They were supposed to go out after their shift. And in one blink, date night was cancelled forever. In one blink, everything was cancelled forever.

Four teams were dispatched on this call. Gunshots, fights—nothing unusual. Until Lucy was shot from nowhere in her stomach. Until Tim was shot too. Until another bullet injured another officer. A sniper was hiding somewhere. SWAT quickly found him and shot him the same way he did.

John and Nyla first checked on Lucy, who was severely injured but awake. And then they checked on Tim, who was unresponsive. John wanted to start CPR, but Nyla stopped him. A bullet hit his head. It was already too late. Because of the pain and blood loss, Lucy fainted. Paramedics took her to the Shaw Memorial while Tim's body was transported to the morgue.

Stage 1: Shock.

When Lucy opened her eyes, the first thing she asked was, "Where is Tim?"". Angela sat down next to her, put a strand of Lucy's hair behind her ear, and took her hand.

A : Lucy, Tim died.

There was no easy way to say those things. Angela knew she had to say it quickly—to say the real word. Tim wasn't gone; Tim didn't leave them. No, someone killed him.

L: Angela, where is Tim?

She needed to ask again.

A: He died. Someone killed him.

Lucy took off her oxygen and tried to take off her drip.

A: Lucy, stop...
L: I need to see him; let me...
A: Lucy You can't; he's dead.

And just like that, her whole world collapsed in a blink. Her brain finally processed every word Angela told her. "He died; someone killed him.". How was it possible? Tears were running down her face in silence.

L : But, but... we are going on a date tonight...

Angela looked at her. No words came out of her mouth. What could you say? He will never come back home, and he will never propose to her because it was supposed to happen tonight. Everything was cancelled now. It was not supposed to end like this. Lucy laid down her head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, silently crying; her hand was still connected to Angela's.

Stage 2 : Denial.

Lucy was discharged after five days at the hospital. She didn't talk too much. Angela was driving her home. She wasn't sure it was a good idea. Lucy opened the door; their apartment was silent. When Angela closed the door, Lucy turned around with a little smile on her face..

L: Tim ? 

It was heartbreaking to see Lucy's face when she finally realized it was not him and it will never be. His death came back to her mind. Her heart missed an beat, she felt lost and breathless. Her eyes met Angela. She was helpless. Her friend came towards her and hugged her. Lucy let herself cry into Angela's arms.

L: Please tell me it's a joke. Tell me he's going to come home soon.
A: No, he won't.
L: He's on the Witness Protection Program, hm? And you have to tell me he's dead to protect him, but please tell me he's ok; that's all I'm asking.
A: His funeral is in two days, Luce.

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