Not about Angels.

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The ceremony was beautiful. Everyone left about an hour ago, everyone except her, standing in front of him, six feet under, unable to move. He was dead. He won't come back. Never. Her pain was so intense that she couldn't feel anything more.

Two weeks ago, she was in Grey's office when they all watched the video of Angela's abduction and Jackson's murder. In a snap, his body was thrown into the trunk. He was no longer alive. That day, someone took her best friend away. Since the academy, they have been as inseparable as Chip and Dale. He was the one who comforted her when she had nightmares about Caleb, who bought her ice cream and played a break-up playlist when it was needed. And now, when she came home, she was alone. Jackson was gone. Forever. That night was the only time she allowed herself to cry, and since then, she has held it back.

Lucy felt a presence. She recognized the perfume. How hard it was for her too. She couldn't stop blaming herself for Jackson's death, even if it wasn't her fault. Angela put her arm around Lucy's shoulder to comfort her.

A: What about going home now, hm?
L: Hm.

How hard it was to let him. How hard it was to walk away. She followed Angela to her car, where the others were talking. After a few words, they all decided to go to John's house for a last drink. The real reason was not the drink; they just wanted to stay together a little more. "Sure, you wanted to drive? You can ride with me and Wesley" said Angela. Lucy nodded and started her way to her car. Instead of going inside, she stayed next to the driver's door, lost. Angela was about to join her, but Wesley stopped her. "Look," he said. Tim was a few steps from her.

Tim joined her and called her by her name, forcing her to look at him. From nowhere, tears started to run down her face. She was crying for the first time in two weeks. He took a step forward and dragged her against him. Her hands gripped his back. No words. Just tears.

Angela observed them for a moment. The fact that Lucy allowed herself to cry for the first time in days or that Tim was holding her right now confirmed what had been on her mind for weeks. There was something more than just a simple bond. She knew Tim for a decade now; she analyzed him more than once; she saw him with people, with girls, with his ex-wife, and with Lucy. He was different with her. Something was different with her. Like today, hugging her in a public area. He was not a fan of sharing something personal with everyone, until Lucy. And the first time Angela noticed something was when Tim called her because Lucy was missing, then when he pulled Lucy out of the barrel, and the way he held her after giving her CPR. But even though it was not appropriate and a bit risky because he was her TO back then, Angela wished he had made a move sooner than today. Not because it was the wrong time, just because of how sad it was to see her crying in his arms. It shouldn't start like this. "Come on, babe, they will join us later." Angela had a last look over them and followed Wesley.

Everyone left. Everyone except Lucy and Tim. She was still against him, crying. No one knew. No one noticed. Right after Guatemala, Tim drove to Lucy's house. There was a huge need to see her, to check on her, and to be sure that despite the event, she was okay. When he was about to knock, she opened her door, ready to go out. They both froze, surprised. She needed to go out; Jacksons was everywhere; it was suffocating. She offered him to join her on her walk. They went to the park next door and sat on a bench in silence. It was not awkward; no, it was comforting. She didn't want to talk. And without warning, he put his arm around her, took her hand, and intertwined their fingers. They both looked at each other with no words; their eyes didn't lie. He will eventually talk to her later, but now they want the same thing. Each night since then, they have spent it together. He was what she needed. On the fourth night, he kissed her, and she smiled against his lips. They have felt for each other for months now. Jackson's death made them realize it was a waste of time to wait. They talked when she offered to have a sleepover.

After a kiss and a discussion, they became something. They were okay with something: taking it slow. Just because they knew each other more than well, didn't mean they had to rush into things. It wasn't the moment, but he wanted to have a proper first date, a nice meal in a nice restaurant, and spend time outside home. They were aware that their relationship was inappropriate at work. But they wanted to give it a try and find a way to handle it. They knew they would need to have a discussion with Sergeant Grey. Basically, Tim was Lucy's boss; he was commanding her out there. He was not impartial anymore. But it was a question they kept for later, not now.

He observed her every time he spotted her somewhere—at the station and outside. Sometimes she was off. And it was really hard for him to not hold her in his arms. They had to keep it professional, at least at work. Since Jackson died, she has lost her sparkle in the battle. Most of the time, she was silent. Tim knew grief was a long process, and each person had his own way to deal with it. Maybe for Lucy, it was no tears, work, and silence. Until today. Until her brain freezes, let her be unable to move. Until he decided to join her, no matter what the actions would be, Seeing her like this broke his heart. And it was exactly what she needed right now. Him. He was surprised when she burst into tears at his contact. His hand was brushing her back slowly.

L: I'm not ready to let him go, Tim. I'm not.
T: I know.
L: Please take me out of here. I'm not able to do it; it's too. I can't.
T: Come on...

He took her hand, and both of them walked to his car. He will deal with her car tomorrow. They were sitting inside, ready to leave. He was not sure if Nolan's house was a good idea.

T: Nolan?
L: Hm hm

The drive was silent. Her hand was intertwined with his. Her look lost somewhere. Twenty minutes later, Tim parked his car in front of the house. Twenty-two minutes later, they were inside. Lucy was sitting on the couch with a beer in her right hand—beer she will probably not drink. Tim was leaning against the door frame, staring at her. He shook his head and decided he needed fresh air. Jackson's death was hard to process for him too. He appreciated him. He was a good one. No one deserved to have this end, not him. Across the living room, Angela was staring at Tim. Something changed in his body language, and not only in it. Something she didn't see before tonight. She opened the fridge, took two beers, and joined him outside. She offered him one.

A: So you and Lucy?
T: Yes. How did you?
A: Am your BFF remember.. When ?
T: After Guatemala. It just happened.
A: Do you...
T: Yes, more than Isabel.
A: Good. You deserve it, Tim.
T: Hm. How are you, Angie?
A: If I'm being honest right now, I won't stop crying if I answer.
T: Come here.

For the first time since they knew each other, Tim hugged her friend. Angela tapped on his arm. One more second, and she will probably explode. "Take her home; she needs you more than being stuck somewhere she doesn't want to be.". He nodded and followed her advice. After he sent a text to Lucy, they both said goodbye to everyone. And with the way Tim was with her, everyone understood that Tim and Lucy were more than they used to be.

He drove her to his home. He didn't ask. He guessed it. She wouldn't stay at hers. And she mentally thanked him for not asking. She took her shower and joined him under the sheets. He opened his arms, and she laid her head on his chest. She quickly fell asleep against him. He stared at her for a moment before falling asleep. It felt right to have her by his side, but it felt wrong that Jackson wasn't here anymore.

"We know full well there's just time, so is it wrong to dance this line? If your heart was full of love, could you give it up? ' What about, what about angels? They will come; they will go; they will make us special."

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01/07/2024: Hi Guys! This is another one. On holiday right now, so i have more time to write. Just realised that i'm feeling more confortable to write " sad " stories. Don't know why. But i will try to write funny or cute one. Hope you will like this one. Vote and comment it helps. Take care and again, thank you so much !

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