Those past few weeks were rough on Lucy. It was like she couldn't control what she was thinking or even doing. It drove her crazy, especially when people tried to calm her down; it was beyond her control.
Six months ago, she became a TO. She needed to move forward after she kind of failed the detective exam. She got her first rookie at the same time. If she had to describe her rookie with one word, she could use clumsy.
They were back at the station when something went wrong during a call. She tried to stay silent in the shop, but when she parked, she couldn't anymore. They were outside when she faced him.
L - I can end your career in a snap, Miller. You are nothing here. Next time you want to do it your way, you are over. Understood ?
M - Yes, ma'am.
L - Now get out of the shop, bring back the war bags, and do paperwork. I don't want to see you before you are done with everything.Everyone around heard the discussion, including Tim, who was coming from patrol with METRO. He came closer to her with a smile on his face.
L - Keep that smile for something else...
She snapped at him and disappeared inside the station. She was sitting in the break room with a bag of chips, trying to calm down. Tim closed the door and sat next to her in silence.
L - What?
T- Luce, you snapped at me for no reason.
L - I don't have time for this now.She looked at him, stood up, and went out. She snapped again. She didn't want to; it was beyond her control again. He shook his head and went back to his office.
That night, he came home later. As soon as he closed the door, a warm body hugged him. He hugged her back. "I'm sorry," she said to him. She truly was. "I know you are," he answered. He kissed her head. She underlocked their fingers and dragged him to the couch. She laid down against his chest. It was peaceful.
L - I hate being like this; I can't control it.
T - I know, it's just for a couple of months.
L - Hm hm. Wait, you should feel responsible for this too!
T - Oh, really, why?
L - Maybe because the baby inside of me is 50% yours.
T - Guilty...He made her laugh. Lucy was 4 months pregnant, and her hormones had been playing with her since the first month. At first, she was sunshine and butterflies, but then she changed into Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde. At 08:00, she was sunny Lucy, and at 08:05, she was stormy Lucy. She was so different than usual. She could be mean; she could yell and snap at someone for nothing and burst into tears because she regretted it. Hormones game. She was particularly harsh on Tim. Why ? Because she blamed him for this situation. He was the father; it was 50% his fault too.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
She was on a case with Angela today. A drug deal went wrong. They now had one body on the ground. Lucy asked her rookie to collect information from the witnesses.
L - And boot, don't mess up that time.
Angela smiled when she heard "boot," but found Lucy's tone a bit harsh on her rookie. Both of them were talking about the case and taking photos of the crime scene. There were a lot of curious people out there, all with their smartphones, collecting proof either way. One of them looked at Lucy with a smirk on his face.
... - Hot bitch, I'm sure she's a total freak under the sheets.
Lucy froze immediately.
L - What did you say?He didn't respond.
L - I asked you something, idiot. What did you say?
As she came closer to him, Angela stopped her.
... - Officer, why don't you let me cuff you and show you how a real man uses his power on you?
L - Do you really think someone wants a looser like you? Which power do you have?
A - Officer Chen, stop it now; it's an order.
Lucy faced Angela. She was so pissed off at the man who disrespected her.A - Shop right now; we will have a discussion at the station.
The drive was silent. Lucy was still pissed off. She wanted to yell at Angela. She parked the car. "Interrogation room 1 now." Angela said. Lucy rolled her eyes and slammed the door. Angela opened the interrogation room's door and let Lucy enter first. Tim was there.
L - What the...?
A - Lucy, you can't talk to civilians like this.
L - Oh, but he had the right to call me "hot bitch"??
A -No, but you can't call him an idiot or a loser either.
L - Whoa.. unbelievable
T -Lucy...
L - Why are you here? On which side are you?
T - No side
L -Amazing.
A - Lucy, You have to find a way to control yourself. Everyone is patient with you, but acting like this in the street is not possible. It's not the first time.
L - Control myself? What a joke. You like it, don't you?
A - What?
L - Being my boss right now and giving orders?
T - Lucy, stop talking. You are being mean and disrespectful. Stop it now. And as much as I know you, I know you will regret it later. So stop talking now. Angela, leave us, please.
Angela nodded. Tim and Lucy were face-to-face. She tried to contain her tears.T - I know how hard it is for you, but, babe...
L - Don't babe me...
T - Lucy, please.. You can't react like this every time. You were so close to having a fight with Angela. She is your friend, and yes, technically, on the scene, she is your boss too. Today, she helped you. You can't see it now, but I'm sure tonight you will. You can be harsh on me anytime, and I can handle it. But keep your head in the game when you're out.
He came closer to her and hugged her. She let her cry.
T - And don't think I enjoyed yelling at you earlier. That's why I was there: stop you if you can't.
L - I'm not gonna lie, but hearing you yell at me turned me on a bit.
T - Babe... He smiled
L - Should I apologize to Angela?
T - Yes, you should.
L - I wish I could patrol with you.
T - Why? Because you could yell at me every time you wanted?
L - Maybe? I'm trying, you know.
T - What?
L - Fighting against those stupid hormones. I hate them.
T - I know you are. I hope our baby won't have the same temper.
L - Don't jinx us, please...
T - I love you, you know ?She smiled. His " I love you " was what she needed right now. Lucy went back to Angela's desk. She apologized, of course. They had a calm discussion about that. It was very hard for Lucy to be like that. She missed the old her.
Every night before she fell asleep, she hoped hormones would leave her alone in the morning. She tried every day to keep her head in the game when she was out on Los Angeles Street. But for her rookie, at least until her maternity leave, she stayed the strict TO in the same way Tim was with her a long time ago.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8/06/2024 : Hi guys, Hope you are ok? I'd like to thank @Janeaniie for her idea :) Hope it's like you imagined it ;-) ! If you guys have ideas, tell me ! Please comment and vote, it helps ! Thank you so much again ! xx