Those eyes.

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                " 'Cause all of the small things that you do are what remind me why I fell for you "

Today's shift was one of a kind—the kind Lucy wanted to forget as soon as she closed her car door. She took a moment for herself, wanting to erase the day, to erase the cruelty of the events. The silence around her was comforting. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. All she wanted was emptiness. But instead of peace, her mind wandered back to what happened three nights ago.

" Tim and Lucy were finally in a good place. Talking and hanging out wasn't awkward anymore. Weeks of therapy, weeks of healing, had brought them a kind of freedom. Tim felt more like himself, and Lucy had learned so much about him and how to handle his traumas. Three days ago, it had been Tim's birthday, and she knew he wouldn't do anything to celebrate, so she offered to take him for drinks at their favorite spot. It wasn't a date, nor a promise of anything. It was just two friends out for birthday drinks. Hesitant at first, Tim agreed once he realized they'd be alone. They had a great night—talking, laughing, drinking. When it was time to go home, driving was out of the question. Tim checked his phone, saw his house was only a 30-minute walk, and they decided to go on foot, with Lucy planning to order an Uber after the walk.

But Lucy never ordered the ride. Tim kissed her—out of nowhere. At first, it was soft, but everything changed when she deepened it. He unlocked the door while kissing her, and in a rush, they ignored Kojo and headed straight to the bedroom. The next morning, Lucy woke up curled against Tim, both of them naked. They covered themselves with the nearest items and stared at each other in silence.

 " Hm... "

" Yeah. Hm, I should probably go. "

 " Right... "

" Can we, just, you know, not be weird about this? "

" Sure... Maybe we ca— "

" Tim, it was a nice mistake, believe me, thanks to vodka and tequila, but, hm, I'm not sure it was the smartest way to... I... I should go. See you later. "

And she left. Since that morning, neither of them had spoken to the other. "

She shook her head, opened her eyes, and started the car. The vehicle was too silent now, so she turned on the radio. The irony hit her as she really listened to the lyrics:

" And when we're apart and I'm missing you  I close my eyes and all I see is you  And the small things you do... "

Every line reminded her of Tim, of their past, of what they used to be. What happened three nights ago didn't change anything, did it? They weren't together anymore—they were still searching for a healthier way to be back in each other's lives. That night had just been a drunken hookup, thanks to alcohol. And yet, it was more than just nice—it was unbelievable. But what was the truth? Could they really just blame vodka and tequila? Or was it something deeper? A desperate way to express the love they were too scared to admit? Lucy didn't know, and it was suffocating. And, of course, Tim had been AWOL for the past three days. Was it because of her? Because of what they did? Was he sick?

Oh god, she loved the man, more than she could ever say. Even when he broke her heart, she was still in love with him. Where the hell were you, Bradford? Maybe he had regrets. Maybe he needed time to process. She wanted to call him, to text him. After all, he had tried to talk to her that morning after they had sex—it was her who had left. She wasn't ashamed, just lost. But she hadn't reached out.

" When we're done making love  And you look up and give me those eyes... "

You messed up, Chen, she thought. Instead of turning toward her house, she turned left, heading for his. She wasn't sure why, but she needed to see him—maybe even talk. A few minutes later, she was parked in front of his house. She took a deep breath and knocked.

"Lucy? Are you okay? "

"Sorry, I—"

"Come in," he said, stepping aside and closing the door behind her.

"Are you okay?"

"Why are you asking?"

"AWOL. Three days. Right after we..."


"Yes, oh. Do I have to ask again?"

"I'm fine. I'm off until Friday. Took some days off, long before we..."

"Hm, hm, Tim Bradford taking days off? You surprise me every day."

"Rough shift, I heard..."

"I was supposed to go home, take a nice warm shower, and close my eyes to clear my mind. But all I could think about was when we hooked up. I'm sorry. I know you wanted to talk that morning, but I wasn't ready. I know we're better together. I'm just not sure what we are anymore, but I missed us, Tim. And then I turned on the radio, and this stupid song came on, and it made me think of you. And then I was here, at your door. So, no, I'm not okay. I miss you. And you weren't there. And now I feel so stupid because you were just off, not really AWOL. I'm sorry, I should go, I shou—"

She didn't finish. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her. Moments later, when they finally parted to breathe, his forehead rested against hers.

"You were talking too much..."

"Tim, I—"

"Shh. Just stop. Let me say something. I love you. Yes, we had sex, and it was breathtaking. It wasn't something small, and it wasn't the smartest way to figure things out, but it's so... us. It's messy and unusual. And if that's enough for you, it's enough for me. So, can we just stop talking, and can I kiss you again?"

"Hm, uh, hm, ye...ah."

"Good. And yes, we'll have another deep conversation. Later."

" I close my eyes and all I see is you  And the small things you do... " 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
16/10/24. Hello, Hi :) How are you? Just a little something i wrote yesterday. Hope you will enjoy it. Please comment and vote, you know... it helps ! Thx and take care of you !

For this one i used the song " Those Eyes " from New West

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