Visiting NY pt 1

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I forced my eyes open when my alarm woke me up. Leaning over, I half-heartedly hit the snooze button and roll back over. No mechanical device is going to take away my sleep. Especially when it's finally holidays. I close my eyes again, willing myself to dream.
I throw my arm over my face.
"Percy!" My mother yells again.
"Percy isn't here! It's just a uh....recording!" I cringe at my response but oh well, it will do.
"Percy, it's time to get up." I open my eyes again and lean forward slightly. Mum is now standing at my doorway, a dusting cloth in hand.
"But it's holidaaaays." I groan, putting my pillow over my face.
"Exactly." She says.
I move the pillow off my face and look at her.
"Okay, what's happening?" I ask, believing she's up to something.
"I got a call earlier..."
"And?" I prompt.
"It was from the police. They were having complaints about the toxic smell coming from your room." She smirks, mockingly grabbing her nose and pretending to suffocate.
"Haha very funny, it's not my fault nobody can handle the pure manliness of my aroma." I say back, sitting on my bed.
My mother leans down and picks up the pair of pajama bottoms I wore last week. They are blue with small Nemos on them.
"Oh yes, the manly vibe I'm getting is going to make my head explode." She says sarcastically, sending the pants in my direction.
"Don't dis Nemo mum. He's very sensitive about these things." I say in fake seriousness.
"Yeah, yeah, now clean your room before I have to get you a hazmat suit." She smiles before exiting.
I hear her yell from around the corner as I'm standing,
"And remember Annabeth is coming over!"
Of course I remembered that my girlfriend was flying from the San Fransisco airport to stay with us for a week. I just forgot the small detail about my rooms condition...
Looking around now, I start to feel sorry for Tyson when he had to clean up after me in our dorm. Everything is covered in dust, with the floor littered with blue lolly wrappers, and my dirty clothes. And don't even get me started on the state of my bed sheets. I decide to start with picking up the clothes all over the floor and..on my book shelf. After placing them all in my dirty clothes hamper, I attempt to fix my bed sheets, tucking it in unsuccessfully. Oh well, I'll just make the pillow positioning look extra good to get attention off of everything else. After finishing the dusting and cleaning of my windows, I walk to go get the vacuum cleaner from the cupboard down the hall. As I'm preparing to most likely be hit in the head by the ironing board when opening the cupboard door, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.
I squeeze my hand into the pocket while thinking, hey, small pockets are better than fake pockets right? Those fake pockets always giving kids false hope that indeed they have somewhere to put their last lollipop for later.
When I finally yank it out from the tiny circulation-cutting-off hole, I see a picture of Annabeth. I glance at the time, that's strange, she's supposed to be taking off about now.
I slide the green button across and bring it up to my ear, briefly thinking about the fact that a monster attack would suck considering I just dusted my room and cleaned my windows.
"Hey seaweed brain. Don't you know how dangerous it is for a half-blood to be using a phone?" I hear Annabeth say.
I smile before answering.
"Yeah Wise Girl, and a monster attack would suck at the moment."
"How come?" She asks.
"Because I just dusted my room and having a monster turn to dust right after I finally make the effort to actually take care of my lungs, would be very inconsiderate on its part." I hear Annabeth laugh which makes my heart feel like it's about to soar. Just as I'm about to ask her how she is, I hear a noise in the background. It sound like a car starting, and also...water?
"I thought you were supposed to be in Zeus' domain at the moment, how come I can hear a car starting...and is that water?" I ask, becoming concerned.
There is a small amount of silence on the other end before I hear her sigh, although it sounds as though she in now using a no-hand system in a car.
"I was on the way to the airport but.."
"But?" I ask.
"I had a fight with my dad earlier, and I just starting driving in the wrong direction, not really paying attention until I found myself at the beach."
"The beach?"
"I think I just felt safe there or something." She says. I hear the beeping of an indicator going off.
"The water probably would have helped calm you...are you alright now?"
"Yeah I'm..I'm better. I had some great advice." She stops talking briefly before adding,
"Your dad asked me to give you his best by the way."
I almost dropped my phone.
"You talked to him? He actually was there and..gave you advice?"
"Yeah and it was pretty good advice too, but I don't think I'm ready to go back to my dad just yet. Not after..." She stops short, as if second guessing herself.
"Am I still able to come over?" She asks, a tad of apprehension creeps into her voice.
"Yeah of course, I'm just glad you're okay Wise Girl."
"Me too Seaweed Brain, me too."
There's a comfortable silence where I become content with listening to her breathing.
"I better go now. See you soon Seaweed Brain."
"Have a safe flight Wise Girl."
"Don't strain yourself too much cleaning." She adds. I laugh and can picture her visibly smiling, her eyes stormy.
"Love you Wise Girl." I say.
"Love you too Seaweed Brain, see you soon. Bye!"
I put my phone back in my pocket, in a daze. She's so amazing I got so lucky. I open the cupboard door, smiling, before I get a sudden fright as an ironing board comes flying at my face. It hits me on my forehead before landing on the ground with a crash. As I rub my face I hear my mum chuckling from the kitchen.
"Ironing board?" She asks
"Ironing board." I confirm as I reach for the vacuum cleaner. Time for my floor to meet its snogging buddy...don't ask why but that's just what I picture on every rare occasion that I vacuum.
After my floor is finally clean, I put away the vacuum cleaner and the falling ironing board of doom and flop down on my bed just before remembering how perfect I had had the pillow arrangements. Glancing at the time, I estimate that my Wise Girl would be about a third of the way through her flight, after having to book a new one of course. I close my eyes and pray that Zeus is in a good mood and won't get mad at a particular Half-Blood that is in his domain.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt