Apocalyptic Love pt. 19

810 15 0

Word Count: 870+


Percy's blood turned cold.

Grover stiffened.

"Is that...Annabeth?" Grover asks.
"I....I don't know."
Percy pushes a branch away from his face, straining his neck to see past the leaves.
He catches glimpses of walkers.

"HAZEL!" Someone screams.
Percy screws his eyes shut.
It's happening.

The group is falling apart.

"We have to run. Before the walkers surround our tree." Percy whispers to Grover.

"But...what about the others?"

"...we can't help them. If we try to tell them to run, we'll have walkers after us. We have to head for the far tree line."

"Percy, what is it you aren't telling me?"

"I know who screamed."


"Hazel." Percy continues, "I'm guessing that her and Frank are surrounded by walkers. They were in the tree closest to the sound of gunshots. One of them must have made a noise or something..."

Grover nods, blinking back tears.

"I wish we could help them...but maybe all we can do is get the others."

Percy thinks for a moment. He comes up with a plan. Obviously Annabeth would rebuke him for thinking of doing exactly what she told him not to do...but he had to try and save the others.

He was going to be that selfless hero.

"Grover, climb down and run for the tree line. If you come up to a dead walker-make sure it's dead- put its guts over you. However, keep running-"

"-but Annabeth said-"

"Only walk if you come up to a group of walkers."

"..you aren't coming with me are you?" Grover looks down at him.
Percy smiles slightly.
"You know me too well G-Man." Percy says, "I'm going to help the others escape."

Grover nods slowly.
"There's no point talking you out of it I guess."

Percy grins.

Grover gives Percy a quick hug before climbing down the tree.

"Stay safe Perc."

"You too."

Grover disappears into the shadows.


Percy climbs higher in the tree, closer to the side where everyone else's trees are.
He licks his lips and sucks in a breath.

Don't chicken out now Percy, he tells himself.

He cups one hand to the side of his mouth and yells.

"Run to the tree line! Run to the tree line! Remember plan B! Run to the tree line!"

Rule one: when in an apocalypse and surrounded by walkers, don't yell. Not unless you want to be swarmed by walkers.

Good thing he wanted the walkers to come to him.

"Run to the tree line!" He yelled over and over, until he could hear the shuffling feet of the walkers at the base of his tree.

He fell silent.

Any more noise, and the walkers would start pushing at the tree.

He learnt that the hard way with Annabeth.

Percy worked on steadying his breath.
Don't panic. Just breathe. Don't panic.

What would Annabeth do?

Jump down there and kill them all most likely.

You've given them all time Percy.
If they haven't run already, then they are idiots. You can escape yourself now.

Just look for a good tree to jump to...



She's was going to kill him. She was going to knock him in the head. She was going to beat his sorry ass for being an idiot.

The plan was not going....well according to plan.

Not enough walkers had come at the sound of gunshots.
There had only been about 5. All of which now lay dead...fully dead this time.
She guessed that maybe on their way, the walkers must have heard something that turned their fancy.
Probably a pair from the group.

Her guess was confirmed when she heard a blood curdling scream.

She guessed that it was either Hazel or Piper. Thalia didn't seem capable of a scream that high-pitched.

"HAZEL!" She heard someone yell.

Hazel and Frank. They are the ones in trouble.

She darted in between trees, weaving through the forests nimbly and silently.

Up ahead, she could make out several limbs. Walkers. She could smell them, the smell of death, the smell of a rotting corpse. They made husky noises, rumbling from their chests, groans coming from their throats.
She could hear a girl crying, and the mumbles of a boy. She knew instantly that both of them would not survive.
She would not leave them though.
That was not her way.
She would try to save at least one of them.

Percy was rubbing off on her, she thought glumly.

"Run to the tree line!" She heard someone yell faintly.

You see now, this is why she was going to kill him. Slowly, and painfully.

He should have silently slipped away the first chance he got. But instead..he had to play hero. He had to save the others.

I'm sure they have brains Percy, I'm sure they could have figured out themselves that everything had gone to shit.

But then again, they aren't all built like you Annabeth.

They probably freeze when they are face-to-face with danger.

Three walkers hear his constant yelling, and amble slowly towards their new prey.

Now she was left with four of her own to take out.

Percy would not be the only one to play hero tonight.


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