Apocalyptic Cover

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As you may already know, I've been continuously updating Apocalyptic Love as a Percabeth "One-shot" but it's by far becoming a lot longer than originally planned....

So as I was going I made it a separate story.

There I update the parts earlier than I post them here so if you've been enjoying this story but would like to see the updates faster, please go over and add Apocalyptic Love to your library.

I very recently (about a minute ago in fact) updated the cover of this story and you can see it above.

So please go over and vote and comment on this separate story, and I will see you soon with another one-shot some-time this week
(Gosh that sounds a lot like. YouTube video)...

Anyway! Have a great day! And thanks for reading!

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt