The Museum

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It took me a while, but I had finally been able to drag Percy to the new museum that opened a block from his apartment. Sally and I had worked together in convincing him. So finally, with an exaggerated sigh, claiming that we were working together to end his manliness, Percy agreed.

"But only because I love you." He had said to me, giving me a pointed look. I had kissed him on the lips quickly before bounding off to get ready.
So now, he we were, looking at all the amazing exhibits.

"So I say we should just skip straight to the dinosaurs, and then to the Greek section." Percy says, placing his arm around my shoulders.
"Okay." I smile. I'm just amazed he had come.

Percy opens the small map we had been given on entry.
"Stupid dyslexia." He mumbles, trying to read the small writing.
"Look for a dinosaur symbol." I say. Percy looks at me, nodding slowly.
"Makes sense."

He searches for a few seconds.
"Found it!" He exclaims, too loudly. People look over at us in confusion. Percy grins sheepishly back at them. I laugh at his embarrassment.
"Okay so we're here.....and we need to get there." I say.

"So that's a left up there." Percy says.
I nod as we turn to walk towards the small corridor.

Time Skip

Okay so I may have gotten distracted along the way....but I just had to see the Revolution section. It took us about twenty minutes to finally get to get to the dinosaurs.

Percy grabs my hand and drags me through a small crowd of people. We stop next to an exhibit. It has four different dinosaurs shown in their 'natural habitat.'

I shake my head.

I've never understood dinosaurs that well.

I watch Percy as he looks at the scene.
"That one looks like that thing we had battled the other day." I roll my eyes and tell him the name of the monster that had almost killed us.

The stupid thing has interrupted our lovely day at the park.

"Okay, I hate to spoil anything...but I really...really have to pee." Percy says.
I smile and laugh at his expression. He grins goofily back.

"Be right back Wise Girl." He kisses my forehead before darting in the direction of the bathrooms. I roll my eyes and look back at the exhibit.

It hasn't even been a full 10 seconds before someone approaches me.

"Hey." I look over and see a tall, lean boy with brown hair. He smiles at me. I politely give him a smile back.
"Hello." I say back.

"What's your name?" He asks me.
I raise my eyebrow at him. He raises his hands in mock surrender.

"My name's Daniel." He says.
I nod and shake his hand.
He smiles at me again.

"Haven't heard that name before. It's very pretty."
I smile awkwardly. I do not like where this is going.
"Thank you." I decide to play the polite approach.

He leans against the sign in front of the exhibit. A fire burns inside of me. He shouldn't be leaning on that.

"So....what's a pretty girl like you doing here by herself?" He asks, licking his lips.
Geez this guy is nuts. I decide to ignore his flirting.

"Who says I'm here by myself?" I ask.
I stand defensively.
"No I just would have thought that if you were here with someone...that would never have left your side. I know I wouldn't." He tries to keep up his cool-kid facade.

"Because I'm so dependent and defenceless?" I ask sarcastically.

His expression drops and he stops leaning against the sign.

"No! No that's not what I mean at all!"
I smirk and laugh at him. He's so annoying.

The guy looks at me and starts to laugh along. I stop laughing.

"Now if you would please leave me to my thoughts..." I turn away from him.
"Oh come on, don't be like that!" He puts a hand on my shoulder. Just as I'm about to Judo flip him, he's yanked backwards.

Percy lets go of the Daniel's jacket and puts his hand on his shoulder instead.

"Excuse me, but that's my girlfriend."

Percy steps up beside me and puts his arm over my shoulder.

Daniel opens his mouth to say something but he closes it when he looks back at Percy.
Daniel slowly walks away.

When he's out of view I smile up at Percy. We laugh.

"I love you so much Seaweed Brain."

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt