Apocalyptic Love pt. 3

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A/N: Percy is introduced in this chapter.
Word count: 2600+

Six months after outbreak


Annabeth sat up against the tree looking at her knife. She turned it slowly. She sighed and dropped it in the dirt. She can't cut her hair...she just can't do it.
She sighs and grabs her hair tie, she twists her hair and puts it in a bun. It will hold at least for a little while.
She grabs her backpack and inspects the holes.
"Still sturdy enough." She says to herself.

She unzips the bag and pulls out the guns. She gets to work cleaning them.
"Might as well while no walkers are around."

Walkers. She had started calling them that after she heard some other survivor scream out that walkers were approaching. It made sense to her. They couldn't run, so sure, name them walkers.
The poor bastard had died because he had yelled.

They don't have the best eyesight, but noise attracts them. Annabeth had learnt that the hard way.

She puts the guns back in her bag after reloading them. She had a total of four guns now....with limited ammo.
It seems that the most important resources nowadays were weapons, water and food. Not clothing, and not anything for comfort.

Comfort could get you killed. Things like staying in the same place and fires for warmth were part of that category.

So now Annabeth sat against a tree, in the dark, freezing with no fire.
She had a blanket in the early days but she lost that when she was found by walkers suddenly, this was some time back.

Now she just had to suck it up or die.
Annabeth carefully re-organised her pack. She kept her knife and one gun out from it but put everything else away.
She desperately needed sleep...but she couldn't. Not on the ground. Not with no one watching her back. But she guesses that it was her fault for willingly choosing to be alone.

She stands up and walks for a little while through the forest until she finds a tree she can climb.

It's a risky move because although walkers can't climb, they can still trap you up there. But she was so desperate for sleep that she decided to take the risk.

She climbed the tree until she got to a thick, sturdy branch. She sat on it, swinging her legs over each side of the branch. She riffled through her bag until she came across the rope she had found in the last city she'd been in.
She uses it to secure herself to the tree.

One of the stupidest ways to die would be falling from a tree right into a herd of walkers. And she wasn't stupid.

Annabeth attached her pack to the rope using a clip on it's side. She doesn't want to lose this bag either. She's already running low on supplies, but if she loses it, she's dead.
She hasn't found a suitable bag lying around in ages. It seems that almost every city has been scavenged until there aren't any supplies left.

Annabeth closes her eyes and sleeps.

When she wakes, she sighs in relief. No walkers are at the base of her tree or in sight. That was the main reason she had come to the forest, there were less walkers. Most of them seemed to lurk in the cities.

She unties the rope and packs it away. She takes her time having a small drink of water and food to eat.
Her stomach grumbles for more but she must resist, she has hardly any left.
So this is her next goal. To find a city and scavenge it for food.

Annabeth drops from the tree and continues her walk west. She feels the sun on her neck and the back of her arms.

It sends a calming warmth through her as she walks.

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