Victorious Bliss

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"Sometimes you can be so stupid Percy."

I hum in response.

"I mean, I didn't think you would actually do that! Why would you attempt something like that? I mean, one day you are going to get seriously injured. Or even killed!"

"Noooo, I'm going to live forever."

"Okay, now you're delirious."

"If I was delirious, then you would be....I don't even know where I was going with that."

Annabeth rolls her eyes at me.

"It's the painkillers. They're finally kicking in. Although, you're not reacting well to the mortal medicine.."

I smile and close my eyes.

"Hey, at least they work."
I hear her scoff.
"Yeah, I haven't even cleaned the cut yet." I open my eyes suddenly.
"I thought that was what you did before, you know when I screamed in agony."

"No that was me brushing dirt away."
I groan and put my head back down on her lap.
"Hey. You were the idiot that tried to do a 360 degree flip on a scooter."

So yeah...I attempted that and I fell on my face. And I now have a huge cut along the side of it. And we don't have any nectar and ambrosia? (Yeah, I know. It's unlikely. But it's necessary for the plot line.)
And did I mention the fact that my girlfriend was watching?

"Touché." I say, lifting my finger up.

Annabeth smiles down at me.
She shifts a little, holding a bottle of disinfectant and a cloth.
"So this is going to feel like you've been bitten by a hellhound...several the same place."
"Honesty does not become you Wise Girl."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"True. But you were the one that said I was delirious. So, Bam. Excuse."

"You're such a Seaweed Brain."
"And you're such a Wise Girl."

"Still not an insult."

She cuts off my reply by putting the cloth on the cut. I hiss in pain but stay as still as I can for her.

She dabs at it gently with one hand, using the other to keep my head still. I focus on her fingers on my cheek.

"There. All done." She says, putting down the disinfectant and cloth beside her.
I sigh in relief.

"You can let go of me now Perc."
I turn and grab her leg, holding her tightly. (Kind of like the photo above)

"Nope. I'm going to lie here with my girlfriend."

She pauses before giving in.
"Oh alright. But only for a little while."
I smirk in victory.

"Don't get used to it Percy Jackson."

I laugh, closing my eyes in bliss.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt