Protecting a Flame

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I wrote this for a family who lost their son to cancer. It would have been his 15th birthday today.

This boy was my friend, and so I felt it in my heart to say something to his family, to help them through this.

This is to anyone who has lost someone they love in their lives.

I do not wish to offend anyone with the mention of God.


You know how when you light a candle on a birthday cake, you always have to blow them out fast? Because otherwise the wind will blow it out for you?

Or sometimes instead, how you cover the flame with your hands? To protect it from the wind?

Because you want to see your child's joy when they blow out the candles?

You're the flame. You're flickering all over the place, just like many others. The wind wanting to blow you out is grief. Or it could also be identified as the devil.
He wants to use this day to blow out your families flame.

But he's forgetting one component. The hands.

God's hands.

God's hands are protecting your family from the wind. Because he wants to see the joy on your faces when you see the candles..and the flames.

As strong as ever.

On this day, as the wind blows stronger than ever...just look up and remember that God is protecting you from it.
Your flames won't go out.
Your flames, like Jordan's, will simply be taken to heaven to be with God.

Your flames are your souls.

God's hands are protecting your souls for heaven. He will not let the wind, the grief, blow out your flames.

We are all with you on this day.


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