Last Letter From War

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Word Count: 4600+


5 years ago

Annabeth had a bad feeling in her chest the instant she read the front of the envelope. It was too early for her to be receiving a letter from her lover so far away.
So when she reads that her fiancé was KIA, she drops the letter. And she, herself, also drops to the floor.
"Miss Chase, we regret to inform that your partner Luke....."

She never finishes the letter.

Instead, she breathlessly rocks back and forth on the floor, one hand on the cold tiles...the other, over her stomach as if protecting her unborn child.


Present day

"Mooooommmmmyyyyy!!!!" Annabeth smiles slightly as she hears her child urging her to hurry.
"I'm coming, I'm coming! Just let mommy grab her bag and then we'll go."
Annabeth steps towards the kitchen, gathering up her large purse. She rummages through it, checking that she has everything.
Keys? Check. Wallet? Check. Phone? Check. Water? Check. Snacks for bribery? Check.
Sighing, she runs a hand through her hair. She guessed that she'll be at the park for a her work will have to wait.
"Come on little man, you ready for the park?"
Her son jumps up and down, grinning at her, while he shows off his light-up sneakers.
She ruffles his dirty blonde hair and grabs his hand.
"Let's go then."


Annabeth smiles warmly the moment his beautiful blue eyes light up. He looks up at her, and she nods..letting him know it's alright. He can go.

He hugs her swiftly before bounding off for the slide.

She slowly follows him, carefully weaving around a group of screaming children playing tag.
Some of the other parents look weary. Like they would prefer being somewhere else, having nothing to do with their children.

But Annabeth would never feel that way.

Her son was the spitting image of her lost love, and she would never wish him away.
Her son's eyes dazzle like his used to. Making them a brighter blue.
She hopes that his don't Luke's did after a while at war.

And she prays that he will keep his happy for once she can try to remember what it was like seeing her fiancé smile.


Luke was a couple years older than her when they met. They had started dating only a few weeks after meeting.

Their relationship was strong, even when she broke the news that she was the age of 18.
He supported her when her parents kicked her out. And asked her to marry him when she feared that he was going to leave her.

Luke was everything she could have asked for.

But then she lost him.

It had been only his second term. They had been scouting out an area in god knows where. It was supposed to be a safe mission.
But all hell broke loose when the area was bombed.
Luke died apparently saving his best mate from getting shot.
Even though it hurt her to know, she had begged them to tell her exactly how he had died.

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