Cardboard Box

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Annabeth navigated her way in between the many cardboard boxes in her apartment. She had moved in two days ago, to her own apartment in New York. Although she had spent hours unpacking, she still wasn't done. And there were still boxes covering every square inch of every room.

She bit into her toast as she squeezed down the narrow hallway.

An empty box tumbled and fell towards her. Her reflexes stopped it from hitting her face. It flew through the air after she hit it and tumbled as it hit the floor.

Annabeth brushed the crumbs off her fingers when she finished her toast. She finally made it to her room.

Her room was simple but elegant..just like her.

Her bed was against the far wall, with a desk on the left of it and a small couch to the right. Above her bed was an array of shelves. She planned to put her books there.
Next to the couch was an in-built wardrobe with a mirror on its door. The walls were a pale blue. With a window above her desk.

Annabeth stepped inside and made her way to her wardrobe. She opened it and looked through all her clothes. Her clothes were pretty much the only thing she had properly unpacked.

Annabeth grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans. Her shirt was black with the sleeves folded over. Annabeth put her outfit on and grabbed some shoes. She put them on and put her hair up quickly. She grabbed her bag, phone and keys and left the apartment, locking it behind her. She started her walk to her new school. Goode High School.

Annabeth had moved to New York after having a long, heated argument with her father about many things.

Gods, demigods, school, camp and her boyfriend: Percy.

She had been saving up for some time to eventually get an apartment for herself but never would she have thought it would be so soon. Her father agreed to pay for schooling and occasionally help out with her bills.  They may always have arguments but she still is his daughter after all.

Annabeth reached the school and went inside. She was about 30 minutes early so there were hardly any students. She found her way to administration. The lady there have her an apprehensive look as she gave Annabeth her locker combo and class schedule.

Annabeth thanked her before beginning to search for her locker.
She found it after a few minutes.

Annabeth was organising her books, locker and learning her schedule when students finally started milling into the school.

"Is he here yet?" She heard a girl whisper about half-a-metre down from Annabeth's locker.
"Which guy? I like never know with you anymore." Another girl says. Annabeth sneaks a glance and rolls her eyes when she sees the two girls with their hands clamped together, gossiping and squealing.

Annabeth slips on a hoodie over her shirt, pulling the hood over her curls. She puts one earphone in and turns her music up, jamming out to All Time Low.
She grabs the books she needs for class. She leans down and shuffles things around in her bag so she can fit them.
She sips up her bag when she hears the girls from earlier squeal louder than usual.
"Eeeeeeeee! He's here! I'm so going to ask him out! There's no way he can like resist all of this." Annabeth looks over and cringes as the stereotypical barbie girl undoes her top button, making sure her cleavage shows.

"Quick! Stand in front of his locker!" The girl beside her says. Annabeth looks over her. At least the brown haired one has her top button done-up.
Barbie girl leans against the locker three down from Annabeth's.

Annabeth puts her earphones away and grabs the handle of her bag. She closes her locker. She's about to leave when she hears Barbie speak.

"Perrrrcccy! Babe! I was thinking that maybe we could-"
"Zoe. Seriously. I told you, I have a girlfriend. Please can you move off my locker."

Annabeth smiled, her back still turned. She's thankful that she had decided to put her hood up.
The boy who was standing only three lockers down from her was her boyfriend.

Percy Jackson.

And he didn't even know she was in New York, let alone at his school. This has been her plan, to surprise him and his family. Annabeth leant her back against her locker, pulling her hood further over her face.

"I know you're just playing hard to get! So you can just go out with me Percy!"

"Alright fine."

Annabeth feels her heart stop. She looks over and sees 'Zoe' jump forward in excitement.
"Really!?" She squeals.
"No." Percy says.
"But thanks for moving off my locker." Percy steps forward and starts to open it.

Annabeth sighs in relief. He wasn't cheating. Of course he wasn't. Percy was the loyalist person ever, and she felt ashamed that she had doubted him for even a second. She also feels a bit of pride for Percy. He used his wit to get the girl to move.

Annabeth smiles. She should probably put him out of his misery and reveal herself.
Percy closes his locker and puts his books in his bag.

Zoe and her friend follow him as he turns to walk down the hall. They whine and try to flirt as Percy fidgets in irritation.
Annabeth pulls her hood back as he passes.
Percy walks past, glancing at her as he passed.
Annabeth watched him.

She smirked when he froze on the spot.

"What in Hades..." He turns around slowly. His eyes look over Annabeth, as if she was just part of his imagination.

"Hey Seaweed Brain." His jaw dropped when he realised it was really her. That she was really here.
He grinned and ran towards her, picking her up and twirling her around as he hugged her.
She wrapped her legs around his waist. Percy held her up as they kissed. It was a short but sweet kiss. Percy put Annabeth down and they hugged again.

"Wise Girl...I can't believe you're really here." Percy whispered to her. She smiled and kissed him again.

"Who the fuck are you!? And why are you touching my boyfriend!" Zoe screeched.
Percy groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Zoe I'm not-"
"Oh I'm just Annabeth! I'm Percy's girlfriend! And I mean he's like the best boyfriend! I mean can you see those muscles!?" Annabeth made her voice go all high and girly.

Percy looked at Annabeth, shocked, confused and amused all at the same time.

Annabeth sent him a silent signal to play along. He nodded discretely and slung an arm around her shoulders.
"This is the girl I was telling you about Zoe, isn't she gorgeous?"

"No! This-this isn't what was supposed to happen!" She screamed in frustration.

"You know what, David is way better looking anyway!" Zoe grabs her friends arm and loops it with her own. They stomp off together, throwing back evil glares at Annabeth. When they disappear around the corner Percy smiles.

" like my muscles hey?"

"Oh shut up Seaweed Brain! Don't expect me to do that ever again! You're just lucky that I love you enough to downgrade myself for your own sanity." Percy hugs her and touches his forehead to her own.
"And for that, I love you so, so much. Please don't leave me alone with her again!"

Annabeth smiled and pecked his lips.
"Oh I wouldn't dream of it. Come on, we've got classes to go to."
Percy holds her hand.
"What have you got first?" He asks.
"English with Paul."
"Ha same."
"Well then we better not be late, it would look bad if we were late. Together. On day one."

"We're not going to be late Annabeth, we've got 10 minutes till class."

Annabeth looked at her phone, realising he was right.
Percy smiles at her.
"See, looks like we've got heaps of time. Come on, I want to show you something." Annabeth smiled and followed Percy.

She knew that now she was here, everything was going to get better.

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