Literal Rain Drop

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*^Photo above* We're imagining it guys!


Okay so all girls know that when you like a guy, you do everything you can to not embarrass yourself in front of them. So you pretty much attempt to not be yourself...and all girls also know that this usually never works.
I was past the 'liking' stage. I was into the 'loving' stage.
This story occurred when Percy and I were almost at the one month point in our relationship, (when still I had managed to hide my true clumsy-self.) but of course, a story isn't a good one unless something goes wrong. And for me: well I jinxed myself. But hey, thank goodness I did!

Anyway! Here's the story:
Percy and I were on our way to visit Sally in her apartment. (She had some big surprise she wanted to show us). But instead of just taking a taxi (cab) the whole way, we had the bright idea to walk. It went a little something like this:

"Hey Wisegirl!" Percy sticks his head through the doorway of the Athena cabin. I look over and grin, putting down my blueprints.
"Get bored without me Seaweed Brain?" I ask. Percy pouts and nods.
"So bored." He adds
I stand up out of my seat and walk over to him.
He smiles and grabs my hands.
"Let's go on an adventure!" He says, before pulling me with him, away from the Athena cabin. I laugh and willingly follow.
"May I ask where this adventure is taking place?"
Percy looks over his shoulder to me.

"Mum wants to show us some big surprise so we're making our way there." He says.
"In a taxi?" I ask.
"Nope. We're going to walk." He states.
"The whole way!?" I question.

"I thought you were built for this Wisegirl. A little stroll won't do much harm. And as far as monsters go, we have our weapons." Says Percy.
"Oh alright. But we have to take an umbrella. It will probably rain there." I point out. Percy looks up at the sky, seeing the forever-shining sun of Camp Half-Blood.
"You have an umbrella at Camp? It never rains here." He says.

"I'm not a very light-packer. I grab things that I may need in random situations. And as for the umbrella, it was just incase I was down at the beach reading and you felt like spraying me with water again." I say accusingly.

Percy chuckles.

"I did buy you another copy of the book I ruined." He points out to me and I nod.
"Thank goodness you did. For your own sake." I say.

I realize then that I don't have my umbrella. It got ruined three days earlier on my last New York adventure- when a monster with big claws decided it was a chew toy. I voice my thoughts aloud and Percy shrugs.
"If it starts to rain I'll keep us dry."
He winks at me. I shake my head.
"Imagine what that will look like with the mist!" I laugh.
Percy joins in instantly, imagining people giving him strange looks as he randomly holds his arm up in the water, as if it will substitute for an umbrella. At least his water powers will be able to redirect the rain, then only our shoes will get wet.

"So I've been thinking..." Percy starts. I look over at him.
"Yeah?" I urge him to continue.
"What if for this summer you stay with me? I mean of course you don't have to, you might want to stay with your dad or see Thalia. And I'm not trying to force you into anythi-"
"I'd love to." I say cutting him off.
Percy smiles goofily, making my heart flutter.

Time Skip

As we walk down the path, we come to a huge puddle blocking our way. I look to our left to see if there's a way around it but there are cars zooming past. Even a demigod can't risk getting crushed by five vehicles.
On the right are shops.

Percy sees the puddle and looks over at me. Our eyes meet. I cock my head to the side in confusion when Percy wiggles his eyebrows. He smirks before grabbing me, throwing me over his shoulder. His hands grip my thighs.
"Percy Jackson! Put me down!"
I bang my fists lightly on his back. When he doesn't put me down, I start to hit harder.
"Not until we cross the treacherous waters princess." He says, putting on a lazy British accent. I laugh at him and roll my eyes. Percy walks-splashes-through the middle of the puddle. Water sprays up to hit my arms and cover Percy's pants.

I rest against Percy back, my chin in my hand. Might as well enjoy it as it lasts.

Percy walks a little longer before stopping. He adjusts his grip so he holds me around the hips instead. I feel him lift me carefully. My feet touch the pavement and he lets go of me.
"There you are princess, safely on the other side."
I grin and ruffle his hair. Water shakes out of it.
"You're such a Seaweed Brain."
He plasters on his classic goofy grin. I roll my eyes and lean up to kiss his cheek.
I see Percy blush before I turn around to continue walking. The sooner we are out of the rain the better.

I feel myself slip after I attempt to avoid a puddle.
My hands splay out in a reflex action. I feel someone grab me. Percy.
But I was already to close to falling. I accidentally pull him down with me. There's a splash as Percy lands in the puddle I tried to avoid. I land on top of him.
For a few moments we both lay there, dazed. Before we look directly into each other's eyes and laugh. I look down at Percy. He stopped me from getting soaked in the puddle. And now he's soaked himself. As he laughs, I realize how much I love this boy.

I love his loyalty, his trust, his instinct, his talent, his skill, his smile, his dimples, his laugh, his beautiful sparkling eyes and even his messy hair. Just as these thoughts run through my mind, Percy speaks.

"I love you Annabeth."

I smile and feel my eyes fill.
"I love you too Percy."

He smiles also. His hands reach up and rest on either side of my face.
"You're so beautiful Wisegirl." He says an inch from my face. I close the gap and kiss him. I smile when I feel him kiss back.

A kiss in the rain after we fall into a puddle...I have to be honest that's not how I thought this would go. I was certain we would be beaten and bloody from fighting a hoard of monsters...but hey! I'm not complaining.

As we pulled apart, Percy tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He gave me another quick kiss before we got up. The rest of the way to the apartment he decided to not trust my clumsiness. So instead, he gave me a piggy-back ride the entire way. But hey! I'm not complaining.

A/N: that was definitely not my best writing....but meh. It's still Percabeth Fluff.
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