Apoclyptic Love pt. 11

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I discovered something that could possibly save my life in the future.
It saved my life now, so the future is looking a little brighter.

I was walking about seven paces in front of Percy.
I told him to stay back a little to watch our backs as I lead us out.
I smelt it before I heard or saw anything. I smelt a rotting corpse.

I hold my hand up, signalling for Percy to stop.

"Stay here and cover me." I whisper to him. He silently nods and gets his gun out.

I get my knife out and walk forward.

Ahead of me is a blind 'alley' between trees. I get a horrible gut feeling. If I was a walker...that's where I would be.

I place a careful step forward and listen. I let out a breath.

I still can't see or hear a walker.
But that smell is still strong..and horrific.

I walk though the trees, feeling safe with Percy watching.

I walk a little further. The smell isn't as strong any more. I frown in confusion.

I look back towards Percy.
I shrug and urge him forward.
That's when I see it.

The walker stands right beside the tree I had just passed. It faces the hidden path, it's mouth open and gaping.

The walker had been right there as I walked past...but it didn't attack.
How could it not sense me?

Walkers can't see very well but they do have a good sense of smell.

They sniff out the living and snuff out their lights. Killing them and eating them.

But it let me pass.

Percy gets up to the pass and the walker suddenly perks up.

I throw my knife at it's skull just as Percy gets to the area beside it. He jumps and looks at the crumpling walker.

He yanks the knife out of its skull and cleans it. He walks up to me and puts the handle in my hand.

"How did that thing not eat you?" Percy asks, looking back at the walker. It's legs are broken and dislocated, and flies circle around it. They land on its eyes.

"I think I know." I say.
Percy scoffs.
"I would be worried if you didn't."
I roll my eyes at him and continue, unperturbed.

"I was watching it as you walked towards it. It perked up instantly when it could smell you. But for some reason it couldn't see or smell me."

Percy nods along slowly, starting to calculate where I am going with my trail of thought.

"I think it's because of my smell. I have walker guts and blood all over me. I must smell and look like one of them. And I was walking slowly too...just like they do. It couldn't separate me from other walkers."

"So if we cover ourselves in walker guts, we should be safe from attack?"

"Most of the time. Obviously we should still be on guard but yes. We've finally find a way to hide out in the open."

Percy smiles and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"You are brilliant." He says. I smile back.

"Thank you. Now go and put guts all over you." I say, pointing to the crumpled walker.

His face falls. He mumbles something colourful and trudges over to the walker.

He puts his hands on the walker and opens its stomach. He gags and puts his head away from it.

"Why do they have to smell so bad? I mean, why can't they smell like lavender? I would much prefer dying and smelling like lavender than cat poo laced with acid and puke." He gets a handful of its blood and rubs it over his clothing and neck.

He coughs.

"Do you have a blocked nose or something? How have you not passed out?" He asks me.

"Nah I'm just used to it." I say, walking towards him.

I dip my hands into the walker and rub the fluid on his back and hair.

"This better wash out.." He says, eyeing me as I rub it in his hair.

"Poor Percy. He won't ever be the same without his luscious locks."
He rolls his eyes.
"Oh I'll be fine, I was just thinking of you. You must be crying on the inside, knowing I'll lose my good looks."

"Good looks? What good looks?"

"Hardy har har. You're hilarious. Are you sue you weren't a comedian in another life?"

I smirk and slap some blood on his forehead.
"Come on. We better keep going."

I help him up.

He sniffs himself and scrunches up his nose.
"Yep. This is disgusting. It better be worth it." He says.
I scoff and twirl my knife in my hands.

"Oh trust me, it will be worth it."

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt