Swim Meet

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For TheGrayEyedOne


I shouldn't feel shame thinking my boyfriend is hot right? I mean I know I'm Annabath Chase and I have a reputation to uphold, but have you seen Percy's abs? No? Good.

I was currently sitting about the middle row of the stands, with a book in my hands. Percy was competing today at a swimming meet and he had begged me to come.

He didn't know I was here though. He thought I was at home studying for the upcoming science exam. Boy was he going to get a surprise.

My hand rests protectively over my book cover. I eye the kid sitting next to me. I don't like the look of the soft drink in his hands...or the odds that he would spill it all over my book.

I look away from the boy and look for Percy again. I find him quickly, his black hair and height giving him away. He stands near the diving block. His race is up next.
I feel sorry for the other guys. They have no chance against the son of Poseidon. But I must admit I also feel a surge of pride for Percy.

I watch as Percy steps up to the block when the whistle blows. He gets on the block and positions himself, one of his feet placed behind the other. I think I heard Percy call it a running dive or something like that. His stance mirrors that of the start of an Olympic sprinter- the sports person- not a god.

I hear the coach yell something to the swimmers.

I watch in amusement as they all raise their butts in the air in synchronisation.
Strange way to see it Annabeth- but hey! I call it as I see it.

A buzzer goes off and Percy is the first to dive.

I'm close enough to his lane to see the way his back muscles tense as soon as the buzzer sounds. His dive is flawless, as the water splash is at its absolute minimum.

I smirk and roll my eyes as people start commenting on how long Percy has kept his head down, instead of coming up for a breath. Way to make it obvious Seaweed Brain.

When he nears the end of the first 50 metres, he turns his head, pretending to breathe in air so the people watching don't think he's too strange.

I smile in admiration as he is still getting a bigger lead on all the other swimmers.

He does a somersault in the water,
(A/N: aha I used to do squad swimming but I forget what all these terms actually are! Sorry!) kicking off the wall. He surfaces and continues his freestyle strokes.
I shake my head as he swims even faster than he already was. I bet he isn't even going half the speed he actually can.

Percy finishes his 200m while all the others are still swimming their 150m.
He stops at the end of the pool and moves his hands through the water, treading it. Someone hands him a blue block- showing that he got first place.
Once all the other swimmers finish and are given their places, the boys gets out of the water.

Percy shakes the water out of his hair and I hear girls giggle and swoon over him.

I bite my lip in jealousy.

I contemplate going over to him. Partly to tell those girls to back off, mainly because I just want to.

I sigh and give in. The kid beside me jumps when I suddenly get up and start moving down the stands.
I make it down finally, looking for Percy.

I see him at the awards tent, getting his ribbon and handing in the blue cube.
I suck in a breath at the sight of him. He's shirtless. Dripping wet. And he has a smile on his face.

I smile. I love when he looks this happy. He only really looks this way around the water. When he's in his element. (A/N: aaaaand when you're around Annabeth....)

I make my way towards him. I feel the eyes of the girls on me. They don't know who I am because I don't go to their school, but they know who Percy is. And they can't wait to see the next girl fail flirting with him.

Oh if only they knew.

I'm directly behind him now.

"That was some good swimming Seaweed Brain." I say from behind him.  He almost drops his ribbon.

He turns around, his smile turning into a full-blown grin.

"You came!" He exclaims. Before I can answer, he pulls me to him, hugging me tightly. He kisses the top of my head and I feel my heart melt. Until of course I realise he just made me soaking wet.
"You made me wet Seaweed Brain!" I say, my word muffled agains his bare chest.
His laugh vibrates against my cheek.
He pulls back a little, still holding my shoulders.
We just smile at each other for a while when I suddenly realise.
My eyes go wide and my mouth opens in shock.

"What!?" Percy asks.

"You wet my book!" I exclaim, showing him the soaking wet book.

He laughs and hugs me again.

"I'll buy you a new one."
I kiss his cheek.

"I love you." I say to him.

"I love you too."

A/N: Any requests?

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