Losing You

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A/N: This one-shot fits absolutely no where in the books or between the series it's just a random thing I felt like writing.


Annabeth had always scared me. I mean, who isn't scared of her capabailities? She's this epic, beautiful, warrior who can hit you in the forehead with a knife from 10 meters away while she recites the numbers of pi. Freaky? Yeah I know. But I guess I still liked her, even from the beginning. I mean sure she scared me and was annoying for years there but what can I say? I must have been a lot more annoying for her.
What scares me more now, is not the fact that she could pin me down and have a knife to my throat in seconds, but the thought of losing her. Over the years we had trained together and gone on quests together, she had become less annoying and more...how do I say it? Good to be around. I enjoyed her company. Loved having her around even. And when she wasn't around that there was always an ache in my chest. It was only later that I realized why.
I loved her. Yep. That's right. I love Annabeth Chase.
I remember the fear I felt when I realized I had more than just a crush on her. I was scared that she wouldn't like me back but I was also scared that she did: because of her mother Athena. The scariest of all the gods. When we had told her that we were dating I felt that I was going to combust under the glare she gave me, but it was worth it.
So yeah...Annabeth is my girlfriend. I'm pretty sure I've heard the children of Aphrodite call us Percabeth or something like that- whatever it means.
At the moment I'm currently with Annabeth and a few demigods as we fight of monsters who were sighted causing terror and mayhem around the streets of New York.
Why am I talking about my girlfriend in the middle of battle you ask? Well I have ADHD. Which isn't always the best thing to have when you should have all your focus on not dying but oh well.
"Percy watch out!" One of the demigods yells.
My reflexes save me. I duck as claws swipe at my face. They catch the tip of my ear and cause it to bleed a little. I look at the monster.
"Ow." I say before spinning Riptide in my grasp, shifting my weight so I'll be able to block any attacks with the sword's blade. Blood from my ear drops onto my shirt, staining it.
"And this was my favourite shirt too." I whine before lunging at the beast before me. Its teeth try to snap at me but I hit its snout with my sword. The beast whines and backs away.
"Oh no you don't. Unless you've got change to pay for laundry, you're not going to get away until I teach you a lesson about manners."
Its black ears prick forward and it snarls. I watch as drool drips down it's yellowing teeth to hit the ground.
I cringe.
"That's nasty."
I take two steps forward.
"Let's dance." I smirk before charging.

The beast turns to dust as I finish it off. I can still hear the clanging of swords, the snarls of monsters and the battle cries of other demigods. I smile and look for another beast to battle. I don't find one. All of the monsters have either been dealt with or are being dealt with.
Might as well help a demigod out then.
I jog around to look for any demigod who looks like they might need a hand. I falter when I realize who's about to be overpowered.
Not once had I ever imagined Annabeth being even close to being bested in a battle. But when I look now I think of how amazing it is that she's lasted this long. 3 beasts surround her, snarling and snapping, all looking like they are about to pounce. At the feet of the beasts is ash and dust, so obviously Annabeth had already dealt with some of them. But theses monsters want revenge for their fallen. They all step towards her again and Annabeth tries to step back but she's surrounded.
I sprint towards her, but she's so far away.
As I'm running I assess the situation and check over her for injuries. Her hair, crusted with blood is falling out of her ponytail. Is flies wildly around her face as she ducks and rolls to avoid strikes. When she gets back up from her roll she stumbles slightly. This reveals to me that she's injured her ankle somehow. She turns her back towards me and switches her dagger back to her right hand. There's a tear in the back of her shirt. She must have been struck there. I wince knowing exactly what it feels like to be clawed. The monster I fought just before had gotten me on the arm and one previously got me on the face.

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