Man Flu

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Having a father that would always put his work above his health meant that I had never, in my ENTIRE life, dealt with a little thing called the man flu.
...until I got a boyfriend named Percy Jackson.
Now I've heard people tell me about their own friends, boyfriends or fathers dealing with the man flu, and let me tell you one thing: they know nothing of the real man flu. The one that struck down Percy and turned him into a blethering idiot..well more than normal.
It had started out being a normal day at camp. We were sitting around the camp fire singing songs, Percy sitting next to me trying to get me to laugh as he would dance along to the song and sing way out of key. I rolled my eyes and smiled, deciding to dance along with him. We stayed seated but would dip to the left then click and then dip to the right and clap. We had been doing that for almost a full song when I heard someone yell out,
"I ship it!"
Probably someone from the Aphrodite cabin. I laughed and leaned into Percy's side, putting my hand on his knee.
"It's been a good day today Wise Girl." Percy states, slinging an arm around my shoulder.
"So it has Seaweed Brain."
I hear him sniffle.
"Are you alright?" I ask him, leaning back a little.
"Just a sniffle." He says, "Looking forward to the extra free-time tomorrow?" He asks.
"I was hoping to catch up on some reading." I say.
He pouts at me.
"I'll read on the beach so you can swim." I say.
He smiles and kisses me on the cheek.
"Hey! No PDA!" Someone from the Ares cabin shouts.
I hear someone shush them and say,
"Would you stop, I'm trying to watch the sailing ship."
"What do you mean sailing ship?"
"I don't feel like explaining what a ship is right now." The person answers.
I zone out of their conversation.
The songs end and people clap before leaving to go to their cabins.
"See you tomorrow Wise Girl." Percy says before kissing me on the forehead.
"Tomorrow Percy Jackson." I smile.
How innocent I was back then.
I wake up and go to breakfast, my hair in a messy ponytail. I sit at my table after giving some of the food to the gods and look over to the Poseidon table. Percy isn't there.
As I eat breakfast, I continue glancing at his table and the entrance every now and then but there's no sign of Percy. I can hear people murmuring about his disappearance.
"Annabeth?" I hear Chiron say.
"Have you seen Percy this morning? I've noticed how he hasn't been here and breakfast is almost over. Knowing him, he would never miss a meal even if it means he brings his pillow and blankets to his table so he can eat but stay in the comfort of bed as he puts it."
"No I haven't seen him, I was going to look for him after breakfast, considering I've got a bit of free-time before Sword-fighting." I say. He nods and then walks off after saying a few more words.
I finish eating and then leave the hall, making my way for Percy's cabin. If he's not there, I'll look at the beach.
I walk into his cabin and take in the sight before me.
Tissues lay scrunched up all over the floor in piles, the other bunks also covered in them. Clothes lay strewn across the floor with blankets hanging over various bunks. I dodge some tissues and clothes and make my way to Percy's bunch.
"Gods Percy, it feels like I'm wading through water, are you alright?" I say, grasping onto his bunk to pull myself through some of the stacks of crinkled clothes and scrunched tissues. I cringe and gag as I step on a tissue. Thank the gods I'm wearing shoes.
I hear a groan coming from Percy's bunk. I look over and see blankets and tissues covering the whole bunk. I push back the blanket to see Percy's face.
"Come on Perce, you missed breakfast."
"There's no breakfast for the dying." He groans.
I shake my head and sit down on the edge of his bunk. I run my fingers through his hair and push his fringe out of his face. He smiles slightly before sitting upright suddenly and grabbing for a tissue. He sneezes and coughs, and I roll my eyes as I hear him begin to exaggerate the cough.
"You know what would be lovely?" He starts to lie back down.
"What would be lovely?" I ask.
"If you'd be awesome and bring my breakfast here." He says, doing puppy dog eyes.
"You have legs, you can walk."
"My legs ache, and my head hurts. I don't think...I don't think I'm gonna make it Beth." He says, laying on the exaggeration.
"Percy Jackson, you can walk to the hall, and if you can't, you can crawl."
I say.
"But I'm so sick!" He says, grabbing another five tissues and blowing his nose loudly.
"Alright, alright. I'll get your breakfast." I say, hopping off of his bunk.
"Even though I'm not even supposed to be here..." I start.
"It's okay Wise Girl, if anyone gets you in trouble I'll cough all over them and give them this disease." He says, lifting up his hand to gesture as he spoke.
"Okay Percy, you do that." I say.
He smiles before falling back down on his bed, pulling the blanket up over his head. I smile slightly and roll my eyes.
"Such a Seaweed Brain. If you can't breathe because your nose is blocked then why would you cover your face?" I ask.
"Because I'm so sick, my brain isn't working." His voice is muffled through the blanket.
"Where's the difference between any other day?" I tease.
I walk back over to his bunk and fold his blanket away from his face, pulling it up to his neck and tucking him in. I push his fringe out of his face.
"What no kiss?" He pouts.
"Hey you're apparently sick and I'm getting your breakfast...don't push it."
"Be careful Wise Girl!" He yells after me as I begin to leave.
"You too Seaweed Brain! Don't strain yourself anymore than necessary." I smirk before leaving to get the Seaweed Brain his breakfast.
Little did I know that when I got back he would play up the sick guy act for the rest of the day.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt