Drown in Fate pt. 2

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I was never told whether or not she lived. Whether or not I had saved her from drowning or whether she had died from blood loss or even too much water to the lungs. I close my eyes and feel the sun against my skin. I never even learnt her name. The only way I would recognize her would be her bouncing princess curls and those stormy grey eyes...that is if she's alive.
I'm 19 now, and I had searched for most of those 4 years.
I had gone to the hospital but because I didn't know her name they wouldn't give me any information, even though I was 100% sure she was the only shark bite patient.
I sigh and walk back towards the surf shack.
"There's that tanned dumb face of yours." Says Blake.
"What, did you have enough of checking out the bikini ladies?" He asks.
"I wasn't checking out anyone." I say, feeling a heat rise to my cheeks. I'm not lying but having red cheeks won't convince anyone.
"No Mr Percy Jackson is way too innocent for that." Blake chuckles, sipping some coffee that would have been warm 4 hours ago. I cringe as he swallows. No way would that taste nice.
"Who knew we'd both still be here 4 years later aye?" Blake puts his feet up and closes his eyes.
"Check the water would you." He adds.
I roll my eyes and grab for the binoculars, after pushing my messy dark fringe out of my face.
I look around slowly, catching glimpses of surfers stacking it, kids jumping over waves, teenagers sun bathing, adults attempting to body-board. I smirk as I see one particular person get dunked before coming out of the water to sit on the sand. Yeah I know that feeling mate.
My eyes stop when I see a little boy with his hand straight up in the air. He seems to be getting pulled further out every second.
"We've got a rip." I say before grabbing my gear. I throw the binoculars at Blake and exit the shack, running down the sand to get to the little boy. I run through crowds of people, all of them looking after me, wondering what is going on. I hear Blake finally alert swimmers to the rip that is just to the right of the red and yellow flags. Instantly swimmers move slightly to the left, leaving me a clear path to swim to the boy.
I dive under a wave and start to swim towards the boy. As I get closer I feel the tug of the rip, as it attempts to pull me towards the rocks.
I surface and breathe in deeply before going under again. Thank goodness I'm a strong swimmer, or I would get stuck as well and that's a lifeguards worst nightmare...having to save themselves from drowning.
I reach the boy, finally getting a good look at him. He is small, wearing red swimming trunks and a green rash vest that is too big for him. His hair is drenched, meaning he's been under the waves a couple times, water dripping down his face. He looks pale, as his strength fades. That's what a rip does to you, it makes it hard to stay afloat but also push against it. I put an arm under the boys shoulder to hold him above the water. I put a simple float around his chest and back. At least now he won't have to work as hard. I let him go briefly as the rip pushes me under the water. I allow myself to sink to the bottom before pushing off of the sand and back to the surface. I grab the boy by one of the float's straps and start to tow him to shore. A couple of waves hit me in the face, momentarily causing me to lose perfect vision but I continue to swim against the rip. I pant heavily as we near the end of it.
"We're almost there buddy..you're going to be okay." I say, looking back briefly before continue to swim hard.
We get out of the rip and I sigh in relief.
"Just easy swimming now mate. We'll get there." I push him in front of me and help him swim forward. I feel sand under my feet. Finally I can touch the bottom. I grab the boy and lift him out of the water. He grips onto me, his breathing short.
"Deep breaths buddy. Try to match what I do okay?" I hold him under the knees and back. He looks up at me and starts to match my breathing.
"That's it mate. Good job." I smile.
We reach the sand and I continue walking. I look up to see where I'm going and see Blake opening the door of the shack.
I hear a girl's voice to my right.
"Oh my gods! Matthew!"
I turn, ready to console the source of the voice. A tall girl runs up to me and puts a hand on the boys forehead, her forehead creasing with worry. Golden curls fall forwards as she tilts her head down, as if calming herself.
She looks back up at me with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you!"
My heart skips a beat. I know those eyes...those stormy grey eyes. And I know those bouncing princess curls. I look down and see a long jagged scar on the girl's leg.
She's alive.

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