Truth or Dare

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This one-shot is really random and silly, but oh well!

General Perspective

"Truth or dare?....Piper." Says Leo, leaning towards her and smirking.

Piper thought for a moment. Either she could with stand the teasing from Leo about being a wuss and say truth...or she could possibly die by saying dare. But then of course she'd still have her pride....

To Tartarus with pride, she thinks, I would like to live another day.


"Sissy." Leo mumbles.

The others roll their eyes and wait for Leo's question.
They all sit in a large circle, with pillows making a fort-type structure around them. Snacks and drinks are in the middle of the circle.
Jason leans forward and fights Percy for a handful of chips.

"Boys." Annabeth mutters with an eye roll.

"Who, out of the guys, has the best hair?" Leo asks Piper, purposely running a hand through his curls as he speaks.
Piper raises an eyebrow and looks around to each of the guys.

She sighs.

"Now this is going to boost your ego...but Leo..your hair is pretty cool." She says as quietly as possible.

Annabeth, Frank and Hazel all laugh.

Leo winks at Piper.
"Knew it the whooole time."

Jason clears his throat.
"Your turn Pipes."

"Right...umm...Annabeth, truth or dare?"

"Dare." She answers immediately.

"Oooooooo." All the boys make a stupid low chorus in an effort to create suspense.

"If you'd come with me." Piper says, standing up.

Annabeth stands up also, following her to the corner of the room.

Before Piper can speak, Annabeth cuts her off.
"I swear, if you make me do anything involving one of the guys, you're dead."
Piper laughs.
"That was generally the idea." She replies.
Annabeth groans and waits to hear the dare that will be her doom.


Piper walked back over to the circle and sat down next to Jason.
She smirked as Annabeth begrudgingly made her way over, sending her death glares.

"What was the dare?" Hazel asks.
"You'll see soon." Piper grins wickedly.
"What did you get up to?" Jason whispers in her ear.
"Part 4 in plan P-e-r-c-a-b-e-t-h" she whispers back. Jason shakes his head and laughs.
"You are pure evil." He jokes.
She smiles and watches Annabeth.


Annabeth tried to remember where she had placed her dagger, as she walked back towards her seat. She would be needing it to maim Piper.

To end her plotting.

Oh yes, she knew about plan Percabeth.
But she also had her own plan.

Percy looked up at her, as she neared her spot on the floor beside him.
She could feel everyone else's eyes on her as well.
Her cheeks started to go red.

She looked at Piper. She simply nodded.

Annabeth had a few things she hated. One of these things...was some types of PDA.

She sat down.

Only...not on the floor. But rather in Percy's lap.


Percy jumped in shock. But he quickly recovered. He looked over at Piper. She was smirking.
So this was the dare.
Well jokes on her. He was going to make the best of it.

He snaked his arms around Annabeth's waist and positioned her in front of him.
He rested his chin on her shoulder and stuck his tongue out at Piper.

"Your turn Beth." He says.


"Frank, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go to the great hall...and get us some more rations." Annabeth says.
The others all nod in approval. They were starting to run low.

"Uhh..alright." He gets up.

"Ask someone else before you go, so we can keep going." Hazel says.

"...Leo, truth or dare?"

"Dare baby! I ain't no sissy!" He looks straight at Piper as he says this.
Piper merely shrugs.

"I dare you to come with me to the great hall, and distract 'streaking' in just your underwear."

Leo's smile fades.

"That's low bro...that's real low." He mockingly puts a hand over his heart.

"But, in the sport of the game, I'll do it!"

Without any warning or hesitation, Leo drops his pants.

Percy is quick to cover Annabeth's eyes.
Hazel frantically starts fanning herself while looking away.
Piper laughs hysterically.
"Not in here Leo! Frank said out there!" She gasps.
Jason shakes his head and turns red.
Leo merely shrugs, as he strips off his shirt as well.

Hazel looks like she might faint.

"Let's do this bear-man." Leo says, before triumphantly exiting the room in only his underwear.
Frank looks startled, but he still follows him out.


Five minutes later, the fully-clothed group enjoy the extra chips and marshmallows found.

"Alright, my turn again. Let's see....truth or!" Leo points at Jason dramatically.

Frank face-palms.

"Uhh dare." Jason answers.

"Haha you're gonna regret that mate."

"Dear Lord no."

"Fine, I'll give you a tame one."

"Tame? I didn't know you could do tame." Percy says.

Leo shrugs and nods.

"I correct myself, I will give you a tamer one than normal."

Jason gulps and looks to Piper for reassurance.
"You should have just flushed your pride down the toilet mate." She whispers to him.

"Jason, I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room- besides Piper. It can be on the cheek." Leo sits back and puts his hands behind his head.

Jason takes in a shaky breath and looks at the other girls.

Hazel sits besides Frank, wide-eyed. Piper shifts awkwardly beside him. While Annabeth avoids eye-contact. She now sits besides Percy.

Jason clenches and unclenches his fists.
It's just a dare. And it's only on the cheek.

Okay, so the prettiest girl is obviously Piper...but besides her?

He looks at Annabeth.

Suddenly something cold touches Jason's neck.
He looks down carefully, and sees Percy's sword- Riptide- glinting against his neck.

"Don't you dare."


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