Final Breath (sneak peek)

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A/N: Percabeth AU|| Percy and Annabeth aren't demigods, but normal 17 year-olds.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mum and Paul but sometimes they are too lovey-dovey for my liking. I slip my hands into my pockets as I make my way down the street. I begin to jiggle the apartment keys as I stop at a crossing. After waiting for one car, I cross the road and make my way inside Starbucks.
I pass the first three tables to get to the counter. Behind the counter is a tall girl with dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Her face is covered in make-up. If only girls didn't always have so much make-up on their faces. Sure, I understand that they may want to just cover up spots or whatever but some makeup is really unnecessary. After ordering my drink, I slide into a booth and get out my phone.
Twenty minutes later, after scrolling through my entire Instagram feed, I get up and throw my empty cup in the bin. The girl behind the counter flashes me a smile as I turn to leave. The air outside although not necessarily cold, becomes quite chilly as the wind blows. Classic New York weather, the sky is grey.
After I contemplate going home and suffering being forced to watch some kind of chic-flick, I decide to walk to the park. Might as well, I think, I've got holidays for the rest of the year before college.
"Watch out!" I hear someone yell before being pushed to the ground. After getting over the shock of suddenly being on the ground, I crane my neck to see a girl pushing herself off of me.
"Are you crazy! You almost got yourself killed! What kind of idiotic doesn't look before crossing a road!?" I blink twice, standing over me is..well, my idea of a real 'princess'. She has long blond hair that twirls in loose curls, framing her face. Her eyes, are the colour of the clouds above me, a stormy grey, except they seem to have a glint in them, as if there is a story waiting to be told.
"Are you even listening to me?" She pulls her head back a little, as if finally taking in my appearance.
"Sorry." I mumble, trying to sit up. She takes three steps backwards, contemplating something before offering her hand.
"Thanks." I take it and she pulls me up.
She's taller than I first thought, the top of her head comes about an inch past my shoulder.
"Well?" She inquires.
My mind blanks.
She rolls her eyes.
"Why'd you walk into oncoming traffic?"
I finally take my eyes off of the girl in front of me and look around. I'm currently standing at the edge of the park, which means I had crossed the road anyway...
"Did you just push me out of the way of traffic by running on the road yourself?" I look into her eyes accusingly. She stares me down for a full four seconds before looking down.
I chuckle slightly,
"Seems like we are both stupid then." Her head snaps up and she glares at me...note to self: do not call strangers stupid.
"I am not stupid." She says.
"Right sorry, I'm just an idiot. You saved my life and I'm already insulting you." I smile slightly as her eyes soften.
There's a silence for about ten seconds before I realize I've been staring at her in an awkward silence. She shifts her weight to one foot as I snap myself out of it.
"Percy Jackson." I say, holding out my hand.
She smiles and shakes my hand.
"Annabeth Chase."
"Well, Miss Chase, I reckon I owe you lunch and a movie." She looks down awkwardly before saying,
"I have a boyfriend..."
My heart falls slightly,
"Oh um..that's uh, it can be just a um.."
I stumble.
"I'm joking Percy." Laughs Annabeth.
I laugh nervously while scratching the back of my neck.
"I would love to see a movie." She smiles.
"Well are you free for the rest of the afternoon? I mean we could go now.."
I mentally slap myself.
"Sure." She replies.
My heart begins to finally beat normally.
"Okay! Let's go now and...." My eyes widen. I forgot my wallet! Sure I had remembered ten bucks for my Starbucks but I had left my wallet at home.
"Everything alright?" Annabeth asks, putting her hand on my arm.
"Would it be alright if we quickly go back to my apartment? I uh..forgot my wallet."
"How do I know that you're not some kind of pervert that preys on girls?" She asks.
"Don't they have to be smart? What kind of smart guy almost gets hit by a car because they forgot to look before crossing?"
"I assure you that I am perfectly safe, the only thing that could get you hurt would probably be my stupidity."
"You've got me convinced." She puts her hands up in defeat before signaling me to lead the way.
A/N: For updates of this story, check out "Final Breath" in my works. Xx

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