Goode AU pt.3

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"So....why'd you move schools in the middle of the year?" Percy asks.
I begin to tell him the lie I tell everyone but something makes me want to tell him the truth.
"I got expelled." I look at his face carefully, waiting for his reaction.
He nods slowly.
"Never would have taken you as a rebel Miss Chase."
"I'm not."
He looks at me, urging me to explain.
"I got caught around the wrong crowd. That's all."
"And what happened that had you expelled?"
We enter a room and I sit down in a desk next to Percy. I feel the eyes of envious girls. I catch a couple of whispers between them as they openly criticize me.
I sigh in relief when the teacher enters. Thank goodness I don't have to answer Percy. I notice Percy scowling at his textbook. That's strange. I open my own textbook and working book. I sigh when the letters move around the page, jumbling up and making it hard to read. Stupid dyslexia.
"Mr Jackson can you please start the class off by reading page 58." The teacher opens his book and sits in his chair.
Percy shifts awkwardly, turning a couple of pages in his book to get to page 58. He looks down at the book and back at the teacher in a panic.
"Any day now Percy."
"I..I can't read it." He says quietly. I watch as his shoulders slump as some kids begin laughing and whispering.
"Oh right..your disorder." The teacher looks around the class before calling on some girl in the front to read.
I lean closer to Percy.
"Disorder?" I question.
"Dyslexia." He clarifies.
I smile slightly.
"It sucks right?" I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair, fiddling with my pen.
There's a few seconds of silence from Percy.
"What do you mean?"
"Dyslexia. It sucks."
"You have dyslexia?"
"Yup." I answer popping the 'p'
"And ADHD. So I pretty much struggle in any class but oh well...I'm working on it." I say.
"No way! I have ADHD as well! Word of warning: the worst class is geography...that teacher has no idea how to engage any student, let alone an ADHD student." Percy says looking at me excitedly.
"This sounds like it's going to turn into one of those classic 'OMI GOODNESS I HAVE THAT SAME RED DRESS WITH THE FRILLS ON IT AS WELL!' Situations." I sigh, imitating a stereotypical girly girl.
Percy nods, pouts his lips and snaps his fingers sassily.
"Mmmmm guuurl we all been in that sitch before, I mean especially that red headed Kim Possible chick. I mean like each episode her sitch got worse and worse. Thank goodness we like only have to deal with that like frilly red dress and those matching days like OMI GOODNESS when a girl thinks it's alright to wear the same outfit your literal shit is gonna hit the like literal fan!" Percy licks one of his fingers and puts it on his leg as he makes a 'sss' sound.
"I mean like no girl can handle alla dis!" He gestures to himself before leaning back in his chair and grabbing his pen like nothing just happened.
Before I can stop myself I feel a laugh escape from my lips. I did not expect that from Percy. My smile grows and my laugh becomes louder. People in the class look at me.
Percy turns his head slowly and looks me up and down. An evil grin appears on his face and he stands up. I feel like curling up into a ball and dying as Percy stands up on his desk to address the class.
"Oh yes! Percy Jackson maintains the status of class clown! Whenever a brave soul comes along thinking they can defy my humour and not laugh at my jokes, they epicly fail. This young lady here, Miss Chase, was one such soul. But as you can see ladies and gentlemen, Mr Jackson can get everyone to laugh." He steps down off his desk after a bow and sits in his seat.
"Nice speech Mr Jackson." The teacher says.
"Thank you sir!"
"Now you can say it again in detention today!"
Percy smiles awkwardly.
"Already got one today sir."
"Then I guess it's an arvo for you instead!"
The teacher nods for the students to continue their work as Percy turns to me.
"It was worth it!" He grins.
I roll my eyes and zone out of the class. Maybe Percy is a part of that different crowd....maybe him and Thalia can help me go in the right direction.
I pray to God that they can.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt