Braided Hair

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I hear the door open and slam shut to my apartment...well technically it's Annabeth's as well.

She hasn't fully moved in yet but she has heaps of stuff over here.

"Beth? Is that you."

I get no response. When I get off the couch I see the light on in the kitchen.
Annabeth stands behind the bench with her head in her hands, her bag lays discarded a few centimetres from her elbow.

"Hey Wise Girl." I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. And rest my chin on her shoulder.
I kiss her cheek.

"What's up?"
"Hera." She answers.

I scrunch my nose up. I've never liked that woman.

"Come on. You need to get in some comfier clothes."

I grab Annabeth's hand and lead her into my- our- room. I search through my draws until I find her a shirt. I hand it to her and she grabs a pair of shorts that she left over here from last time.

She leaves to go change in the bathroom.

I sit on the bed and wait for her.
When she comes out, the small amount of makeup is gone from her face, her hair is up and she's wearing my black shirt.
I stand up and walk towards her, opening my arms for a hug. She gladly walks into them, resting her head on my chest.

I kiss the top of her forehead.

"Come on, let's go out to the lounge room."

When we're sitting down, I turn Annabeth so her back is to me. She leans against me, her arms over my legs.
I pull the hair tie out of her hair and comb through her curls gently with my fingers.

"So what'd she do this time?"
"Oh she's giving me a hard time as always. I'm trying to get my designs for Olympus to Zeus and she keeps interfering."

I listen as she starts to rant. There's no point trying to say anything, so being patient with her is the best thing.

Besides, it eases her stress.

I begin to braid her hair, grabbing pieces from each side of her head as I go down, just like Piper taught me.
Yeah I know, a guy braiding!?
It's actually quite fun, and it helps calm it's a win, win situation.
I plait the ends of her hair and place the hair tie around the braid. When I finish, Annabeth sighs and leans against my chest.

"Thank you Percy." She says.
I kiss her head and stroke her hair.
"No problem."

A/N: that was just a short one but oh well...
Thanks for reading!

Any requests?

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt