Apocalyptic Love pt. 24

716 20 5

Word Count: 500+


The caves were quiet as they approached. Thalia couldn't hear anything except the sound of her companions...and it made her uneasy.

"Okay. Check out the first cave. Make sure there aren't any tunnels coming from the back of it. And keep your eyes out for walkers. If you spot one...try to take it quietly. We don't need a swarm of walkers on us while we're trying to sleep." Annabeth says.

The others all nod and walk towards the cave.
Thalia stays behind. Annabeth looks at her questioningly.

"So what are you going to do?" Thalia asks.
"About what?"
"Frank. We both know that we can't just leave him. He's going to turn."
Annabeth looks down.
"I was maybe hoping that the infection would hold off. Maybe we could figure out an antidote before...."
"That's bullshit. And you know it. You're one of the smartest here Annie. You know he's going to get a fever soon. The others don't know what happens to a person when they turn. They haven't seen the stages. But we have. They probably think that it's always a sudden transformation. But it's not. Sometimes they are feverish for weeks. They aren't prepared to see that Annie."

"I know...I just don't want to have to.."

"I know. You just had to shoot Hazel. But...I...I can do it. He's my friend. I've known him for longer. So it should be me who has to shoot him." Thalia's eyes fill with tears. But she tries hard to stop them from falling.

Annabeth looks up at the despairing Thalia.

"You know...Frank asked Percy to do it." Thalia continues.

Annabeth sucks in a breath.

"But that would change Percy too much. He's one of the only happy and optimistic people left in this world. And I can't see that be destroyed because he has to kill a friend. It would kill him too." Thalia says.

"So it's okay Annie. I'm not going to make you do it. And I'm not going to let Percy do it. I have a feeling I won't survive this apocalypse anyway...so what's there left to lose?"

Annabeth steps forwards and puts a hand on Thalia's shoulder.

"Your humanity. That's what you have left to lose. But you shouldn't lose that. Trust me.....you need your humanity."

"But don't you...."

"No. I lost mine on the first day. And it isn't something you can get back." Annabeth says with bitterness.

Thalia looked into Annabeth's eyes. She could see the honesty and pain in them, as clear as day.
And she knew that this girl was broken.

Truly broken.

And she knew she did not want to become like that. And so she placed her gun away.

Annabeth smiled at her in sorrow.

"It's okay Thals. I'll do it. I'll shoot him. Because I truly have nothing left to lose."


A/N: Who's PoV would you like to see next? Annabeth's, Percy's, Grover's, Leo's, Nico's, Frank's, Jason's, Piper's or Thalia's?

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