Apocalyptic Love pt. 9

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Word count: 630+


Percy's lips form a tight line. For a moment I fear he may fall out of the tree.

"I can't be sure...I mean I didn't know her or anything."

Percy takes the paper out of my hand and looks at it again.
His finger trails down the line of traps, written on the side.
"The security cameras are the last thing  written on the list. They were put in three days before she disappeared." Percy states.

I open my mouth to say something but Percy interrupts me.

"The others need to see this. We don't know if she had already given information to some other group."
I nod. I look up Percy and prepare to speak. Something stops me. I look back down at my hands.

I should just leave. If what he says is true, and another group has an advantage over them...then there's no point in sticking around.

Either I'll be killed in the raid or be left worse off.

The only way they'd be able to survive a raid from another group, would be of they had proper supplies and a strategist.

Someone who was a fast thinker.

Someone who could think like the enemy.

Someone who had plenty of field time.

Someone smart.

Someone like me.....

I groan in frustration. The only way they would survive is if I stayed.

"Annabeth?" Percy asks. I look over at him and wave him off.
"I'm fine."
I sigh. I can't leave them. Even if some of them are a bit hostile...they still accepted me. And helped me.

I guess now I have to return the favour.
And anyway...I don't have the heart to leave Percy.

"Alright. That's it." I announce. I get up and stand on the branch. I reach up and grab another branch to steady myself. Percy looks up at me in confusion.

"I'm not going to sugar coat it. You guys, as a group, are pretty sad. Sure some of you could survive out in the field for a few days, but if you didn't have your compound, all of you would be dead within a month. Well maybe not Thalia." Percy blinks, urging me to make my point before he pushes me out of the tree himself.

"If Rachel had already given Intel to some other group, then you're in major trouble. But one thing that we can use to our advantage is her death."

Percy opens his mouth but I cut him off.

"Yeah I know, I'm a heartless bitch. But I'm the heartless bitch that's going to save your ass. I've got a plan. But first we need to get back to the others."

I don't wait for Percy's answer.

Instead I step off the branch and let myself fall.

I fly through the air.

I smile as my adrenaline kicks in. I grab at a branch. I catch it and swing myself to be on top of it.

I look back up at Percy and smirk. I just did a 4 metre free fall.

I stretch my shoulders and sit down on the branch.
"You coming or what?" I yell up to Percy.
I watch as he slowly and carefully makes his way down to me.

He reaches my branch after about 5 minutes.

"Have I ever told you that you're badass?" Percy asks.

I laugh and get out my knife.

"That wasn't even badass. That was luck. I'm just glad the branch didn't break." I say.

Percy nods and gets out his gun. He reloads it and looks at me.

"Now what? There are still about ten walkers down there."

I look over at him and smile.

A mischievous, evil but genuine smile.

"Cover me."

I jump off the branch and fall through the air.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt