Apocalyptic Love pt. 4

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A/N: Word Count: 2900+


Annabeth stumbled over a tree root. Usually she would have easily caught herself. But she wasn't feeling right. She was feeling dizzy.

So instead she found herself on the ground. She tensed.

"Annabeth?" Percy runs back towards her and helps her up. She brushes herself off and ignores Percy asking if she was okay.
Percy looks at her strangely before continuing to jog through the forest.
"We're almost there." He says.
Annabeth nods even though Percy can't see her.
They come to a clearing. Annabeth gasps when she sees something she least expected. Walls. And they look sturdy. The architecture, although simple, was genius. There was support in the perfect places. If a herd came trampling through, it would most likely stay standing.

"Cool right?" Percy says, noting the expression on her face.
"Come on, we've got to get inside. Walkers lurk around here." He jogs up to the walls. Annabeth follows slowly, still deciding whether or not to stay.
A door flies open and Percy gestures for her to go first. She looks through the door. Her eyes sting suddenly, and her face and shoulder burns.

She takes one step inside the walls before she collapses and darkness overcomes her.

Time skip

"Fuck this man! We've got to shoot her, what if she's bitten?" She hears someone say.
Annabeth groans and opens her eyes. She sees a gun pointed directly at her face. Instantly she grabs it, pushing it up.

A gunshot goes off making her flinch.

She twists the gun, making the person let go of it. She grips onto the gun and kicks the offender in the gut. She gets up and pins them on the ground, pointing the gun to the person's temple.

Someone grabs her wrist and holds it tightly. Annabeth stares down at the scrawny boy.

"Point your fucking gun at someone else!" She yells.

"Annabeth. Settle down. I wasn't going to let Nico shoot you." Percy says behind her. Annabeth looks to see that Percy was the one that grabbed her wrist.

His eyes are dull and his arm is in a sling to support his shoulder.

"Put the gun down." Percy puts his hand up. Annabeth realises she was pointing the gun at Percy.

She looks down at it and her hand shakes. She unloads it before throwing it across the room.

Her knee still digs into the boy's, Nico's, chest. He looks up at her with a seething hatred.
"Get off me you brat." He hisses. Annabeth is about to slap him when her head screams in pain.
She leaps backwards, falling. She scrambles back along the ground as far as she can. She runs into Percy's legs.

She puts her hand on her head to touch the place that hurts.

She brings it back down to her sight and sees blood on her fingers.
Did she hit her head or something?
Percy looks down at her. He sees the blood on her fingers.

He crouches down behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder. She recoils and flings herself away. Everyone in the room looks at Percy's hand before looking back at Annabeth.

Percy stares down at his hand.

There's blood on it.

He looks over at Annabeth and sees her staring at the gun she had thrown. It currently lies right beside her.
"Annabeth..." Percy warns her.

Annabeth grabs the gun. She loads it and puts it to her temple. Her finger hovers over the trigger.

No one moves.
There's a tense silence over the room.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt