Goode AU pt. 2

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It took me ten minutes to find the English room. I had forgotten Thalia's directions after the first left. I knock on the door and wait.
It opens and I'm met with the teacher, a tall lady with long brown hair. She looks over me before ushering me inside.
"Good to see you've eventually found your way."
I duck my head and walk towards a free desk towards the back. Behind my desk is a boy sleeping, his hoodie covering his face. I roll my eyes and sit in my chair. I open my books and look towards the teacher. Thank goodness the teacher didn't call on me to give my whole life story in front of the class.
I rest my chin in my hand and draw random sketches in the margin of my book.
"Psssst." I hear from behind me. I ignore it. Most likely the person wasn't trying to get my attention, whoever they are.
I zone out and start thinking about ways I could avoid my step mother again tonight. She'll probably bombard me with questions, like she's interrogating me, making sure I won't get suspended in my first week. She doesn't know me. She thinks I'm some brat that does whatever she likes, set fire to classrooms, talk back to teachers, have sex with every guy in the school, and get suspended from every school across the state. She doesn't know that the last incident wasn't my fault. I didn't mean for that guy to get killed, or to OD myself. Those were dark days as I surrounded myself with people who I thought could distract me, from what happened to my real mother.
I feel someone kick the back of my chair, bringing me back to reality.
Just as I'm about to turn around to tell them off, I hear the teacher call on me.
"Annabeth Chase is it?"
"Yes Miss." I take a breath, knowing what's coming.
"Given your records, I doubt that you would like to be on any teacher's bad sides...especially on the first day."
She looks me up and down.
"Pay attention Annabeth. I know how teenagers like you act and think, and I can get you suspended with three small words to the principle."
I feel my anger rise. Why is she going into a speech like this? I thought she'd only tell me to pay attention, not threaten me.
"No disrespect Miss, but not paying attention in class can't get anyone suspended." I say, looking at my books. I hear someone cough awkwardly behind me. I turn and see Percy sitting there. So he was the boy that was sleeping. His expression is blank. I turn back to the front when I hear the teacher talking.
"Maybe not...but over-dosing can." She looks at me accusingly. I feel all eyes on me. I bite my teeth together and feel stinging tears surfacing.
"Miss Davies I don't believe you can suspend anyone...considering this isn't even your class." I hear Percy say from behind me. I quickly wipe away the tears when the attention is shifted to Percy.
"And just because this is your step father's class doesn't mean you can speak out against me Mr Jackson."
She looks back at me.
"Detention Miss Chase, and Mr Jackson." She walks up to me and says in a low voice.
"Explain that to your step mother."
She walks back to the front of the class and writes instructions on the board.
"Bitch." I say quietly.
"Tell me about it." Percy whispers back.
I smile slightly and write down the instructions in my book.
At least she's not the main teacher. Maybe Percy's step father is nicer. I correct myself almost instantly. Of course he'll be nicer. No one can be like that lady. Whatever her name was.
The bell goes and I pack up my stuff.
"Can I see your schedule?" I hear Percy ask from beside me.
I nod and hand it to him. As he reads it, I put the rest of my pens away.
"Looks like I can walk you to your next class." He says triumphantly, handing the schedule back to me.
I roll my eyes.
"I can't contain how much joy I now feel." I say sarcastically.
"Of course you can't." He grins, leaning down to grab my laptop bag. He strings it over his shoulder and leads the way. I shake my head and smile at the way he walks. He has no shame with carrying a girly laptop bag.
"Such a gentleman." I say.
He looks at me.
"My mum would probably make me cook my own food if she found out I let a pretty girl carry all her heavy stuff."
"Your mum sounds awesome." I point out.
"She is." Percy agrees.
"You should meet her sometime." He says, matter of factly.
"I'd like that."

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt