Sass and Rage

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If there's one thing I've learnt from high school it's that girls can be mean. Like really mean. What I don't get the most, is why. I mean come on, guys can stick together and be the best 'bros' *cough* Percy and Jason *cough* but girls have to fight and be competitive? Ugh see this is why camp half-blood is way better.
I walk through the hall of Goode high to get to my locker. I switch my books from first session to that of the second session. English.
Thank goodness I've already finished my assignment so I can just read the whole lesson...if Percy lets me.
That's right, I'm in the same class as Percy Jackson, my boyfriend. And he'll probably bug me the whole time for help with his assignment, and being the sucker I am for his puppy dog eyes, I'll end up giving in. I close my locker and lock it. I hold my books to my chest and turn to walk to class when I am tripped, sending my books across the floor as I hit my forehead.
I instantly get a headache but no way will I give whoever tripped me the satisfaction of seeing me stay on the ground. I gather my books and stand up. I feel light and dizzy instantly. I stumble through a couple steps before forcing myself to walk in a straight line to class. I hear snickering behind me.
I look back and see Paige smirking at me, with her 'mindless followers' Bristy and Leah laughing and congratulating Paige for tripping me.
"Better be quick nerd girl. Don't want to be late for class."
"Thank you Paige. By saying I'm a nerd you are in fact saying that my intellectual level is higher than your own...if you even understand that big word."
"Whatever nerd!" She scowls.
"Just making sure I'm not going to be working with you at McDonalds!" I say back, smiling before ducking into class just before the bell rings.
"Just in time Miss Chase." Mr Blofis says, turning back to the board. Did I mention that he's Percy's step-dad?
I sit in the vacant seat next to Percy and place my books on the desk, grabbing out my pens and opening my English book before putting the rest of my books on the floor, except for my novel.
"Okay class. I want you all to answer this question, show me your answer and then for the rest of the lesson you can work on your assignments." Mr Blofis says, gesturing to the question he had written on the board.
He goes and sits down at his desk and starts to work on his laptop as the class either starts their work or chats. Percy turns to me.
"Why were you late to class? You're never late." Says Percy.
"I wasn't late." I defended, knowing fully-well that I had been in the classroom as the bell rang.
"Later than usual." He smirks. I watch as he twirls Riptide on his fingers. No, don't worry, he doesn't uncap it while at school. He uses other pens (mine usually).
"I just had a running with Paige." I say, writing down the date and the question on the board.
"What was it this time?" He asks, starting to slowly write out the date himself (after checking what is was from my book I might add).
"She just tripped me and I dropped my books." I say, reading of the question myself.
"Not your novel, your precious novel that I can't eat and drink within ten meters of." He says, putting a hand on my shoulder in mock condolence.
"Yes I dropped that novel so afterwards I told her she was stupid in a very respectful manner."
"That's my girl." Percy says, giving me a side-hug.
"Come on, we better finish this question. You need all the time you can get for the assignment." I say, reading over what I'd written so far.
"You bring out the smart in me Miss Chase." Percy says, nudging my arm.
"I'm not even going to try and correct that sentence." I shake my head and smile.
Later, I walk with Percy to our usual cafeteria table that we share with the mortals. Percy pulls out my seat and I give him the lunch I had packed for him. Neither of us like the food provided here so we take it in turn to make each other lunch. He thanks me and opens up the bag, his eyes lighting up when he sees the sandwhich I had prepared for him.
He begins to scoff it down when I hear Paige, from the table next to ours, say,
"Gosh she's so ugly." She looks straight at me, and I can see the others at her table agreeing. Just as I'm about to reply I hear the chair next to me screech against the floor as Percy pushes it back. He stands up and leaves his almost finished sandwich on the table. He doesn't look at me as he walks straight to Paige.
"Bitch where?" His demeanor drips with sass and rage.
"I'm sorry, I don't quite see what you are talking about. There is not one ugly girl in this room...well if you steer clear of mirrors and your reflection in spoons then your ignorance will prove this. But of course, just because one person is ignorant doesn't mean everyone is, so they'll all see right through your crayon book make-up, fake nice girl parade and see you for as you really are. And girl, that means uuugly." He does a sassy click.
He turns away from her and takes a bow as everyone in the cafeteria begins to clap.
He comes back and sits down next to me. He grabs his sandwich,
"Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?" He asks it before taking another bite.
I laugh and lean into his shoulder. Well I've learnt two things today, really. Girls can be mean, but that doesn't mean they have to be. And girls can also be nerdy like me but that's okay too.

A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERCY! (Dam he's getting old)

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