Apocalyptic Love pt. 14

720 22 1

Word count: 800+


I eye the remainder of Luke's left arm. I remember cutting off his arm when he had gotten bitten on his forearm.

I remember the crunching of the bone. His spurting blood. His screams. The way he gripped my wrist. And the thudding sound as his forearm had fallen against the ground.

Once he was in a stable condition, I thought he would fine. We had gotten rid of the arm so quickly that surely the infection wouldn't of had time to spread...but he had still turned.

And he had still almost bitten me and crushed my skull.

Until I stabbed him in the chest.

Aiming for his heart.

I had stared into his eyes as they had suddenly turned back to the stunning blue...no longer glazed over like the dead.

He had turned back to human...but then he had bled out and died.

I was sure he had died.

But obviously he hadn't.

Otherwise he wouldn't be standing right in front of me now, pacing back and forth...occasionally grabbing for the hand that isn't there.

I feel Percy place a hand on my knee. I look at him and he sends me a silent question.
'Do you want me to stay?'
I nod, letting him know that under no circumstances do I want to be left alone with Luke.

The three of us had left the cafeteria a few minutes earlier, and had entered Percy's room for privacy.

Well...Percy and Luke has left.

Percy had to actually pick me up and drag me out, as I was screaming obscenities at Luke, scaring everyone in the room.

I don't know why I am so angry..maybe because he made me cut off his arm, maybe because he had turned even though he promised he wouldn't leave me, maybe because I had to kill him, maybe because he had tried to kill me, or maybe it was just that he was alive. When I thought he was dead.

"Could you please leave us alone?" Luke asks Percy, finally stoping his pacing.

Percy stays quiet, but firm. Sending Luke the message clearly. He wasn't leaving.

I almost sighed in relief.

Luke looks at me, trying to plead with me, but I glare at him.

He looks away instantly.

"Take a seat Luke." Percy says. Luke moves hesitantly, sitting in the chair across from where Percy and I sat.

I shift slightly on Percy's bed. I find myself sitting closer to Percy, my arm rubbing against his.

Just this small contact with Percy helps me keep calm.

Luke eyes Percy resentfully.
I clear my throat.

Both boys look up at me, discontinuing their silent battle of dominance.

"So....you're alive." I say awkwardly. I mentally slap myself. Why is it that now of all times, my way with words decides to leave me, allowing me to crash and burn in shame.

"I'm guessing you have questions." Luke says stupidly.

I scoff. At least I no longer sound like the stupid one.

"Nah I'm just going to accept the fact that you're alive and not want to know how." I say sarcastically.
"That was sarcasm if you didn't get that." I add after a moment.

He smirks at me. I find myself moving even closer to Percy.

"I'm not going anywhere." Percy whispers to me. He grabs my hand and starts to play with my fingers.

Comfort floods through me.

"How long have you been alive?" I ask.

"Well let's just say I woke up to see you walking away. It was blurry and I was at a weird angle but I could tell it was you. Your hair gave it away." Luke answers.
"You were dead. How did you wake up?"
"The gods love me." Luke jokes.
"How are you not a walker? You tried to bite me. You turned. How did you change back?"

Luke stays quiet.

"The weird thing was...as you were bleeding out, your eyes changed colour. They went blue again. You changed back. But then you bled out."

Luke sits forwards in his chair.

"Did you actually take my pulse Annie?"
I think back.
"So how'd you know I was dead?"
"I-.....the amount of blood on the floor."
"But that wasn't all mine...was it?" He says.

I gape at him.

"How did you...?" I trail off, not knowing how to word the sentence.
"How did I know that you were bleeding from the cut wounds? I could smell it. I know it sounds weird...but when I was the walker, I could smell blood. Human blood. I think that's mainly how they find us."

"You remember being a walker?" Percy asks.

"...no." Luke hesitates only slightly but I notice it.

I know Luke is hiding something. But I also know that he won't tell me what that something is...I'm going to have to find out by myself.

"Why do you want all these people to come with you?" I ask, trying to get past my conflicting feelings and down to the real issue here.

Luke smiles wickedly.

"Because we've got a cure."

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt