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Okay sorry, I've just been reading fanfiction and I need to know if any one else does this as well...

Okay so I was reading this amazing Percabeth fanfiction.

They were dating, it was adorable I was loving the story until HELLO the author just decides to break them up.

So I was quite shocked and annoyed, but the whole time in my mind I'm just reminding myself that: it's okay, it's a Percabeth fanfiction, they will get back together.


They start dating other people.

And, okay am I the only one that hates when authors do this?


If this happens, I just can't handle it so I close the fanfiction and don't read it.

(Which I know is stupid because they will probably get back together eventually but I'm just sick of authors making my NOTP's cannon.)

-End Rant-

Please tell me that I'm not the only one. Does anyone else get annoyed when an author breaks them up and haves them date other people for the majority of the story?
-(okay the real) end rant-

There will be another one shot up sometime tomorrow (in approx 24 hrs)

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt