Raise A Child

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This cannot be happening. I'm way too young! Mum is going to kill me...well actually she's more likely to kill Percy when she finds out.
I have to tell him. How am I going to tell him? How is he going to take it?
Will he leave me? Of course he won't leave me. He's way too loyal for that.
But will he want to?
We're only 20. Will we be ready?
Will we be able to raise a child?

Yep. That's right. I, Annabeth Chase, am pregnant.

I stuff the pregnancy test under a few bits of rubbish in the bin. I don't want Percy to see it when he gets back. I don't want him to know straight away....I need to think of a way to tell him.
And a way to keep this from reaching Athena.
Okay, so the latter will most likely be impossible. But a girl can dream right?

I sigh and walk back out from the bathroom, and towards the couch. I sit on it and neglect the tower of work sitting at the desk to my right.

Percy will be home soon.

We've lived together for almost two years now. Immediately after Tartarus, we knew we would not be able to be separated. It would be too cruel for our mental health.

So we found an apartment together, about a block away from Sally and Paul. I know it's risky, being a demigod and living in the city. But we'll be fine. I mean, if Tartarus can't kill us...what can?
Speaking of Sally and Paul...we'll have to tell them also. Will they be happy to be grandparents? Or disappointed that we aren't married before we have children?

We're engaged, yes. But not married.

(A/N: Do you want me to do another one-shot about them getting engaged?)

Not yet. And I fear that we won't be married for a while now...considering.
I place a hand over my stomach.
Will I be a good mother? I know instantly that Percy will be the perfect father. He'll be loving and gentle with the child, especially after his horrible experiences with Gabe.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear the door open behind me.
I plaster on a smile, hoping that it's enough. I'm not ready to tell him yet.
I guess...I'm afraid? Which is crazy. I have nothing to be scared about.

"Annabeth?" He asks.
"Here!" I get up off the couch and turn towards him.
He smiles and walks towards me, pulling me in for a hug. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, and I rest mine around his waist.

Tears spring to my eyes. I can't keep this from him. I need to tell him.
He would feel betrayed if I kept it from him for too much longer.
Percy pulls back in concern when he hears me sob.
I place a hand over my mouth to try and cease it.

Bloody hormones have already got the best of me. Pregnancy sucks.

"Annabeth? What's wrong? Is it nightmares?" He pushes a curl behind my ear and tries to wipe away the tears rolling down my cheeks, but more just replace them.

I pull my hand away to answer him when I suddenly feel a horrible feeling in my stomach. I break from Percy's arms and run for the bathroom as the bile reaches my throat.
I open the toilet lid and crouch down in front of it.
Bile leaves my mouth as I heave into the toilet.

I said it before, and I'll say it again. Pregnancy sucks.

Percy enters the room and walks towards me. He crouches behind me and pulls my hair away from my face. He rubs my back as I throw up again.
I shift so I'm sitting instead. I feel my stomach settling down, but I still lean forward towards the toilet.

Percy stands up and exits the room without a word.

That's strange.

I close my eyes and sigh. This stage better not last too much longer.
I hear footsteps and a hand on my shoulder.

"Here. Rinse your mouth out." I open my eyes to see Percy holding a glass of water for me. I thank him and take it.
He helps me stand up.

I rinse my mouth with the water and spit it out into to the sink. I wash it away and turn off the tap.

Percy picks me up and carries me over to our bed. He holds me with one hand as he pulls back the covers. He lays me down and pulls the covers over me. He kisses my forehead and turns back towards the bathroom. He flushes the toilet, grabs a towel and a bucket.
He places the towel next to my side of the bed and puts the bucket on top of it.
"Just in case." He says, noticing that I'm watching him.
"Thank you." I say.

He smiles and walks around the other side of the bed. He lays down next to me and hugs me to him.
I squeeze my eyes shut. I have to tell him. I have to tell him now.

"Mmm?" He hums in response.
"I have to tell you something."
Percy shifts so he's propped up on one elbow.
"Are you alright?" He asks.
I turn to him and smile.
"Yeah. I just....I don't know how to tell you this...."
"Just say it. You know me, no judgement here."

"I'm pregnant."

He stares at me blankly for 5 minutes straight.
I wave my hand in front of his face.
He snaps out of his daze and grins.

"I'm going to be a daddy!" He grabs me and hugs me.

"I love you Wise Girl."
"I love you too."

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