Officer Jackson

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I loved my job. Yeah sure, it was scary but I still loved it.
Even when I was younger, I knew I wanted to be a cop. To help keep the public safe.

Mum wasn't all that set on the idea of me running around with a gun all day, but I guess she's just worried for me.
I'll be fine though. Nothing can hurt me when my special companion Mrs O'Leary is around.

She's the best dog a police officer could ask for.

I turn up the radio in the police car when I hear there's a manhunt going on. Some punk is trying to run away from the cops. Idiot.
I smile when I hear how close his last known point was.

"Ready for our next job girl?" I call behind me.
I get an excited bark in return.
I quickly let the station know I'm on my way.
I smile and turn on the lights and siren.
I love my job.


"So what's the situation?" I ask the group of cops.

To my left I see police tape around a house. There's a girl sitting on the steps with her head in her hands. Her blonde curls fall around her face. I watch as a police officer, Greys, walks away from her.

"Attempted murder. Domestic violence and possible rape. The guy tried to kill his ex-girlfriend before fleeing from the scene. Parkson and a couple others are in pursuit at the moment." Fletcher tells me.

Greys makes his way up to us, turning to Fletcher.

"Still not a word out of her. It was the neighbours who alerted us. She hasn't said a word." He reports.

I frown.

"Is she the ex-girlfriend?" I ask.
"Yeah." Parkson says.
"We've got people on the way to check her vitals. I think she might be in shock." He finishes.
"Well what do you expect, a guy just tried to kill her."

I look up when I hear sirens. Two ambulances pull up behind my car. Paramedics rush out of the vehicle and make their way towards the girl.
She doesn't say a word as they poke and prod at her, bandaging a couple cuts here and there.

"Can you tell me what your name is sweetie?" One of them asks.
She stares at them blankly.
"Alright honey, I need you to lift up your arm okay? I'm just going to check your shoulder for injuries alright?" The lady paramedic grabs the girls right arm and lifts it up slowly, while another holds her shoulder.

The paramedics converse softly, checking her other shoulder as well.

"Now we just need to check for any head injuries alright sweetheart?"

It happens in slow motion.

The paramedic brings up a torch towards her eyes, but as she brings it up the girl rears backwards, hitting out viscously.

Police surge forward, jumping on the girls flailing arms and legs, restraining her down.

The girl with the blonde hair goes limp. The officers release her gently as she stays down, staring up at the sky above her.

I walk towards the others. One of the paramedics is nursing a blood nose while the other rubs their forehead.

Geez that girl must be able to punch.

"Percy, get your ass over here." Parker calls. He's standing beside the girl, shooing other officers away.

When I make it to him, he steps up towards me and whispers.

"Just watch this girl. She's unstable and I doubt we should have her crowded. If you can, learn what her name is. I need to make some calls and find out where the ex is."

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt