Nurse Sally

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I open the door and see Annabeth standing in front of me.

"Annabeth sweetheart, you're early. Percy isn't back yet."

She steps forward. Instantly I notice a limp in her step.
"I ran in to some-uh- trouble." She smiles slightly.
I nod and open the door wider for her.
She says a small thank you and walks inside...limps inside.

There's a large gash on the back of her leg that runs the full length of her calf.

"Sit down and I'll get you some ambrosia." I say to her.

She nods and hobbles towards the kitchen stool. She falls before she can get to the chair.

I look over just as she collapses. Her hands fly out in attempt to cushion her fall...but she still hits her head on the floor.

I rush towards her and lift her up slightly.

She groans and leans further against me.

"Where are you hurt?" I ask her urgently.


She winces as I gently shift her. I lift up her shirt a little and wince myself at the sight.

Blood pours slowly out of a tear in her stomach.

Claw marks.

"Just keep your eyes open honey. I'll get the medicine. Don't worry, I've fixed Percy many times." I ease her back on the floor and rush into the kitchen.

I grab a cloth, nectar, ambrosia, water and bandages.
I place them beside her and get a pillow for under her head.

Her eyes fly open when I lift her head. I slip the pillow underneath her.

"It's just me."

"Thank you." She whispers.
I nod and grab the nectar and ambrosia.

She takes a risky amount, but not enough and the gash could get infected.

I wash around the gash on her leg before bandaging it tightly. Hopefully staunching the blood flow.

I walk to the kitchen and get fresh water again.

Kneeling beside her, I clean gently around her stomach. She arches her back so I can bandage it.

"You'll be fine. Just rest for a little sweetie." I tell her.
She closes her eyes and I sigh in relief and exhaustion.

I wish I could move her to the couch and off of the floor, but I'm not strong enough.

If only Percy was-

"Mum! I'm home! Annabeth will be here an-"
I look up and see Percy standing in front of the door. It slowly swings closed.

He drops his bag and rushes to Annabeth.

"What-how-she..." He mutters.

He brushes her hair away from her forehead softly and looks up at me.

"She hasn't given me any details. She came here a little while ago, said she got into some trouble and then collapsed. I've given her ambrosia and cleaned her up. She'll be alright Percy."

He hugs me over Annabeth.

"Thanks mum."

I watch my son as he gently slips a hand under her back and legs. He shifts her so she's leaning against him, before lifting her up. Her eyes flutter open for a moment.
"I'm here." He whispers.
She closes her eyes and leans further to him.

He walks over to the couch and lays her down. He sits beside her, resting her head in his lap.

I smile as he begins to play with her hair.

Demigods live dangerous lives... But who says they can't enjoy simple pleasures?

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt