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Annabeth stands up from the couch angrily.
"I thought you would understand!" She yells at me.

I grit my teeth, trying to control my anger.

"I do understand!" I yell back.

"Oh that's bullshit and you know it Percy Jackson!" She points her finger at me.
"I know you thought I'd be here for the whole summer, but he's my father! Stop being so possessive!" She shouts.

"What a great father he is! He hasn't contacted you in months!" I shout back.

Annabeth recoils and I know I've hit a sore spot. I know I should stop but something inside me makes me want to keep yelling.

I stand up, towering over her.

"You shouldn't have to be the one to initiate contact! He should be man enough to come here himself! If he cared about you at all, he would be here now!"

I feel guilt when tears spring into her eyes. Her face reddens in anger.

"Who are you to tell me that I can't see him!? He's my father! I know he's a fucking bad one, but he's still my father!"

"I'm your boyfriend that's who! And I-"

Annabeth stops looking into my eyes.

Her eyes flit to something beside me. Her face pales and she takes a step back. I look.

My hand is raised.

I gasp when I realise I was about to hit her. I drop my hand and scurry backwards.

I hit the couch, causing me to fall over. I sit on the ground and put my head in my hands.

I was going to hit her.

I was going to hit her.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see a blurry Annabeth.

She kneels beside me and wipes away the tears that fall down my cheeks. She pulls me to her. I turn my body so I can hug her properly. I rest my head on her shoulder and gasp for air.

I was going to hit her.

She wraps her arms around my back.

She puts one hand in my hair and strokes it affectionately.

"You're not like Gabe, Percy." She whispers.
"I-I- I was going to hit you!" I cry, moving away from her. She stops me.
She puts her hands on my face.

"I know you Percy. You would never hit me. You're too kind. Too loyal."

She wipes away another tear.

"Too gentle." She whispers.

"You're not him Percy. What he did to you and your mother was awful. I know you fear that you would one day become like him...but that's impossible."

She pulls me closer again. She grips me tightly.

"You're Percy Jackson. Not Gabe. Not that coward. Would a coward purposefully fall into Tartarus? Would a coward try to protect their girlfriend from her coward father?"

She kisses my forehead. She smiles at me and I give a weak smile back.

"I love you. I hope you know that." She says.

I kiss her.

"I love you too." I say against her lips.

We pull away. Annabeth hugs me again.

We stay embraced on the floor for hours.

Her words ring through my mind.

You're Percy Jackson. Not Gabe. Not that coward.

I quietly thank her over and over again.


We both forget about the stupid fight.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt