Calypso's Curse

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She had gauged out her eyes.

Her beautiful, grey eyes....lie in the depths of Tartarus.

Blood seeps down her cheeks.

She cries hysterically, thrashing out at everything. Her fingernails have  her own flesh stuck under them, as well as the dirt and ash from Tartarus.

She scrambles around on her hands and knees, searching the pit for something.

I long to go after her, but the monsters of the depths have other plans.

She screams out my name, over and over.
"Why did you leave!"

She doesn't hear me. She doesn't hear anything. The world is silent for her.

And she doesn't see anything.
For where her eyes once were, blood and darkness lie.

Why would someone ever curse her?

What seemed like such a petty curse...has cost her, her sight.

"Annabeth!" I scream in vain.

She doesn't hear me.

She screams again, clawing at her face again.

And sanity.

"The visions won't stop Percy! I thought- I thought I had stopped them!" She cries again, falling down on her side.
Unsettled ash flies around her.

I turn away from her briefly, to destroy the rest of the beasts who dare attack her.

Her cries make it harder to lift my sword. Each wail, makes my blade feel heavier in my hands.

And yet, I still strike.

Her crying stops.

Time skip

I hold her to me, gently rocking her back and forth...back..and..forth.

I run my hand through her hair, quietly singing her the only lullaby I know.

The one my mother used to sing to me...when Gabe was still with us.

in the arms of the angel
fly away from here

I brush hair away from her face. It falls in a wave, to brush against the dirt.

from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie

I gently close her eyelids, feeling the sight of her without eyes being burned into my mind. This image will come back to haunt me.

you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here

I pull the dagger out of her stomach, and put her hands around it.

I lean forward and rest my forehead against hers.

Her skin is cold.

I kiss her gently, and rest a hand on her cheek.

Tartarus has claimed my precious Annabeth.

By driving her so insane, she claws out her own eyes...and stabs herself.

"The visions have stopped Percy..." She had said.
"I can see..." She had stopped mid-sentence. She lifted her hand, thinking she was just grasping at air. When really, her hand was in mine.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt