Charmed by a daughter of Athena

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Yes! Finally we can put our awesome plan into action. Capture the flag! This time, the teams are smaller considering there were only about two cabins to a team. Ares, Aphrodite and Poseidon cabins on one team and Athena, and Hermes cabin on the other team.
So maybe my team had a slight least the other team had amazing planners, the Athena cabin. And one particular Half-blood was exceptionally smart. Annabeth Chase. I've known her for about 4 years now, and yes, I have a crush on her. Like a major crush. She's kissed me before but I don't know whether or not that had meant anything or whether she was just...okay so yeah I suck at reading the messages girls send me. Like seriously, there was this one time I mixed up "I want to rip your throat out" and "You're hot." Don't ask which way I mixed them up but it was bad. Like infirmary bad.
But anyway, here I am now, about to play capture the flag against Annabeth and I was so ready to beat her.
"Okay, so everyone knows their positions?" I hear someone from the Aphrodite cabin say. Okay so maybe I wasn't fully paying attention but I did know the majority of the plan. I was part of the defense, and our flag was going to be placed near water so it could be kept safe by yours truly.
I watch as three from the Aphrodite cabin join the offensive of Ares children. They soon disappear into the forest, not a sound being made. Looking to my left I can see see four Ares campers, and to my right, the flag. We know already that the other team has their flag near Zeus' fist but obviously it can't be that easy, because hey, this is the children of Athena we're talking about.
10 minutes into the game and I still haven't seen any of the campers on the other team. I can hear shouting and the clanging of sword blades and shields but still nothing. I decide to step back into the water to make my senses sharper. As I feel the water lapping around my ankles, I sense a disturbance in the water, near the flag. When I look over I see two dips in the water, as if someone unseen is standing there. I smirk. Of course Annabeth was going to try to use her invisibility cap.
"Really Wise Girl, where is your originality, that trick with the cap is getting quite old."
I send two spurts of water in the direction I believe she's standing. She'll probably kill me later but I will still revel in my victory with two broken arms.
When the water stops, a girl stands there, the invisibility cap fallen off of her head but it's not Annabeth. I mean, it's obviously one of her siblings because she has blonde hair but it's still not my Wise Girl.
"Really Seaweed Brain, I would have thought you had a better guard up." I hear Annabeth say in my ear, her breath tickling my ear.
I turn around quickly, seeing the rest of my defense all out of action. And just in front of me stands Annabeth, sweaty, dirty, but beautiful....until I notice a particular flag in her hand. Around me stand about six others on Annabeth's team. She throws the flag to the boy closest to her and he takes off, the others following.
Just as I'm about to blast them all with water, Annabeth jumps at me and tackles me to the ground...well I guess you could say into the water but anyway. The water, now disturbed, laps over my forehead, wetting my hair. I feel a weight on my chest and look to see Annabeth sitting on me. My eyes widen and I feel a heat come to my cheeks. on me?
"Easy Seaweed brain, I'll let you up once we win which should be in about two minutes." She says, wringing out her pony tail. She doesn't even look at me as she begins to wring out her shirt. I try not to stare.
Why am I even still letting her sit on me? I could be actually defending the flag properly and helping my team mates but no I've been beaten by a girl sitting on me. Oh how weak some guys are when it comes to girls.
I put my hand down in the water and feel for some dirt. Once I grab a hold of it, I throw it straight at Annabeth's face. She flinches when the mud hits her, using her hands to wipe it from her eyes. I use this opportunity to flip her off of me, knowing full well that if I had stayed there I would have been put in the infirmary for a week. Looking back at Annabeth now and seeing literal steam coming out of her ears, I know that's still a possibility.
"Oh so you want to play dirty Seaweed Brain?" She looks scary with the mud still dripping down her face. Before I see her grabbing for dirt, I am hit in the face with mud. I wipe it from my eyes and try to search for where Annabeth went. Is your vision supposed to be cloudy?
I lean down and grab some more dirt, reading to throw at a moments notice. I feel a substance hit my back, then fall to the ground. Mud. I swing around and throw my ammo, not even bothering to aim. It hits Annabeth in the shoulder, turning her shirt from Orange to brown. More mud is thrown before Annabeth gives up that tactic and dives at me. I yelp and try to run but she uses all her force to make me hit the ground, my face landing in mud, splattering it up in all different directions, some hitting Annabeth. I feel her knee on my back as she grabs at my arms, pulling them behind my back. She's got me in a death hold.
"Well, looks like the love birds decided to have a mud bath together." I stop struggling and look to see Grover standing there, surrounded by heaps of other campers.
Annabeth stands up and begins trying to get the mud off of her face to no avail.
"You know Capture the Flag ended about ten minutes ago. Athena and Hermes children won...and we realized you guys weren't around so we came looking and then we see you, Percy, getting your butt whooped."
Annabeth laughs and ruffles my hair.
"Just teaching him to always be on guard." She says, starting to walk back towards her cabin. I silently smirk, looking back at the water before sending a huge wave at Annabeth, drenching her. As I begin to run to get away from her, I yell over my shoulder,
"Hey! At least the mud's gone!"
I hear her laughing the whole time she chases me towards the showers.

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