Visiting NY pt 2

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I love kids, and I feel sorry for any parent who has a kid with them that's pulling a tantrum, but having a kid cry behind me for 2 hours straight makes me start questioning why I like kids so much.
I shift slightly in my chair as yet another kick is sent my way. I resist the urge to restrain the kid. Each kick the little boy sends into the back of my chair causes an ache in my back. Yeah I know, I'm a demigod I'm not supposed to get sore this quickly from something so petty, but you try having a kid continuously kick you in the back for 2 hours. I sigh and grab for my phone. I turn it on and look at the time. Besides, I only have about 4 hours of this flight to go. I put my phone back in my pocket and look to the screen attached to the seat in front of me. Scrolling through their movie list, I settle for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
I put on the headphones and zone out from the world around me.
When I exit the plane I feel like kissing the ground. My back aches and I have a splitting headache. As I look at the people passing me they also look on the annoyed side. I switch my carry-on bag to be held in my left hand as I make my way through the airport to get my luggage.
I end up standing waiting for about ten minutes for my luggage, constantly thinking that they must have lost it until finally, in its grey glory, it comes round the belt. I struggle with juggling my carry-on bag while trying to pull my bag off the belt. I've waited for ten minutes, I ain't going to wait for it to come back around. I yank it off the belt and place it down. Grabbing the handle I pull it up all the way until I hear a click. Finally I can get out of this airport and fall asleep on Percy's couch. I walk out of the airport about 5 minutes later and search for a cab. I find one and tell him Percy's address. I know what you're thinking, Percy must be a pretty bad boyfriend if he made his girlfriend catch a cab from the airport, but I had insisted. There was no point of them coming to get me, they had done enough by letting me stay with them.
"Miss? Miss? Miss, we have arrived."
I wake up suddenly, disorientated, before realizing I had fallen asleep in the cab. Whoops.
"Uh thank you." I get out of the cab and grab my bags. Wheeling the bag around, I walk towards his window and pay him. As he drives away, I look up at the apartment complex. I let out a breath, New York certainly can chill you to the bone.
As I get to Percy's apartment door, I start to feel a little less lethargic. At the moment, the best part about finally arriving here might just be the fact that their couches are incredibly comfortable. I let go of my luggage and knock on the door. My hand falls at my side and I can hear thundering around inside as someone, Percy most likely, rushes to the door. The door flies open and I'm tackled into a bear hug by Percy. He lifts me a little off the ground and twirls me before placing me on the ground, checking me all over for any injuries.
"Wise Girl!" He smiles, taking my luggage from me and ushering me inside. I sigh in relief as I get inside, I've always felt at peace in this apartment, it's probably something about the fact that although it was only a small family that lived here, it still was an actual living family that functioned here...if that even makes sense. Probably not.
Percy disappears briefly with my bags around the corner before coming back out with nothing in his hands.
He smiles at me before I open my arms for another hug. I bet anybody would need a hug after 6 hours of a screaming child kicking your chair. In fact I was tempted to hug the taxi man. His chin rests on my head, his arms around my neck as mine are under his arms, connecting together near his neck.
"Annabeth! It's so good to see you! How was your flight sweetie?" I almost jump at the sound of Percy's mothers voice.
Percy and I pull apart but he doesn't let go of my hand.
"The flight? The flight was...." I look down at the ground and feel a strange urge to cry. The flight was so bad, and right before the fight with my dad and oh my goodness I am a mess. A vulnerable, weak mess.
Suddenly my eyes start to sting. Crap. Now I've started again. I furiously wipe my eyes with my jumper's sleeve. I am the daughter of Athena! I will not cry over...oh what the hell, everyone needs a cry every now and then..but I would prefer to not have a break down in front of Percy and Sally.
Percy looks at me strangely before pulling me into another hug. This time I have my hands resting at his chest, with his arms holding me to him.
"I hate little kids." I mutter into his chest and I feel him vibrate with laughter.
"Oh dear, I'll make some hot chocolate, and you can just relax on the couch. You've had a big day." Sally bustles off towards the kitchen after giving Percy a wink. I pretend that I didn't see it. Percy puts his hands on my shoulders, slightly holding me out from him so he can get a better look at my face.
"Sorry." I mumble.
"It's okay Wise Girl, I already knew you weren't made of Titanium, but you still are pretty close to it. It's hard to be so strong for too long."
"Yeah but I should be stronger. I'm a daughter of Athena."
"Yes. You are Athena's daughter. But that's the point." He puts a strand of my hair behind my ear, resting his hand on my cheek.
"No matter what you do or how you feel, you'll always be a daughter of Athena. You'll always be Annabeth. You'll always be my Wise Girl. Remember that." He hugs me again.
"It's scary how alike you and your dad are." I state. I feel my feet leaving the ground as Percy picks me up bridal style. He carries me over to the couch and sits down, me still in his lap.
"Now I would like to hear all about this oh terrible flight so I know who's butt I'll be whooping." He says.
"Good luck with that, you'll probably be arrested for child abuse."
"Well I guess I will have to resort to using the naughty corner if the butt whooping is not an option." He says, smiling so big that my heart feels like it just took off its helmet on Mars. Okay so maybe that's a bit dramatic...his smile made me smile as well okay?
I lean back against his shoulder and start to tell him all about today, not leaving out a single detail. I told him about my dad not helping with my luggage, about my jealousy of my brothers, about when I drew my knife on my dad and the look I'll never forget, about the beach chat I had with his dad and about the 6 hour plane trip with a particular tantrum machine. Percy listened intently the whole time, his expression changing from shock, to sympathy, to happiness in minutes. When I finished, I sighed loudly happy to get that off of my chest.
"Well I guess there's only one thing to do now Wise Girl." He looked at me with a mischievous look, his eyes twinkling.
"And what might that be Seaweed Brain?" I ask, matching his tone and demeanor.
He grabbed me and repositioned us on the couch so we were lying down, his arm over my waist. His breath tickled my neck.
"Fall asleep watching Finding Nemo." I grin as he turns on the tv using the remote. As I fall asleep holding his arm, 20 minutes later, I forget about my bad day and just feel at peace that I am finally able to visit New York and my Seaweed Brain.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt