Apocalyptic Love pt. 16

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Word Count: 830+


"Well I'm in."

I nod approvingly at Thalia.

"I knew it was too good to be true. I'm in as well." Piper says, joining Thalia and I.

"Good. You're seeing some sense." I turn away from them and to the others.
"Well?" I ask them.
I watch patiently as they look amongst themselves.
"Why would we leave, if it's perfectly safe here?" Frank asks.
I sigh.

"That's a false sense of security you have Frank. Sure, you can sleep without worrying about walkers but who knows what Luke's group will do when they get here. It will be better to be long gone before they realise we know the truth." I say.

"What will us knowing the truth do?" Hazel asks, tapping the table.

"Jeopardise them. They obviously want to get something out of this fake cure. My guess is they want supplies in exchange for the serum. If people hear that it's fake, they won't get the much needed food, water and ammunition. Supplies are running low everywhere. They want to be ahead. They want to survive." I answer.

"But how will they survive if they've already been bitten?" Grover asks.

Thalia steps forward and answers.

"They won't. That's the problem. If the human race is to survive, we need to find a cure and soon. Now either you can come with Annie to find that cure, or you can stay here and see how things play out. But just keep in mind that she warned you."

"We're leaving tomorrow. Are you in or out?" I say, looking each of the others in the eyes.

I smile victoriously when there's a chorus of 'ins' and 'I'm ins.'

"Right, so I'll need each of you to be responsible for one type of supply. Remember to only grab the amount we can carry. Only grab necessary things, things we aren't likely to find along the road. Thalia and Jason, you are in charge of food and water supplies. Get a couple extra empty bottles while you're at it. Piper and Hazel, the minimal bedding material and packs. Frank, rope. Leo, flashlights and batteries. Jason, extra clothing. Grover, medical supplies. Percy and I will handle the rest. We leave early tomorrow. Get plenty of sleep. Keep quiet. Get your supplies. And meet here  at 2am sharp." I finish.

They all nod.

I sit down in one of the cafeteria chairs, sighing. We had locked the doors and told everyone we were having a meeting about new ideas for security and gathering supplies.

No one had questioned Percy's absence, or my inclusion in the discussion. They knew of my time on the outside. So it would only be logical to have me in the talk about the walkers.

At least that's what I hope they think.

I hear a chair scrape beside me. When I turn to look, I see Thalia looking at me skeptically.

"You know, originally I thought you were a threat."
I raise an eyebrow at her blunt statement.
"I guess you still are, but I'm just glad to be on your side."
She leans backwards in the chair, and cracks her knuckles.
"I was sure that you would leave first chance you got. Never thought you'd be the group type."
"I'm not."
"No...but you are all for a partnership." She smirks at me.
"A duo. A relationship. A c-"
"Yeah, yeah. I get it." I cut her off with a scowl.

"I'm just glad Percy found you. Or you found him...details. Whatever. I never liked that Rachel chick. Of course, I never said that to my cousin's face but she wasn't built for these times. Her being a spy wasn't that much of a surprise for me. She was too desperate."

I nod, but mind drifts. Rachel. I forgot all about her. About the notes I found in her backpack....
About her being a spy for an unknown source.
Maybe this source is actually known after all.

"I've got to check something." I say suddenly.

Thalia blinks a couple times in confusion before smiling.
"That's another thing I noticed about you."
"You always have something to solve."
I smile absentmindedly.
"I guess I do..."
"So what is it now? What are you solving?"

"The notes in Rachel's pack. I think I'm on to something."

Thalia nods like she figured as much.

"Don't tell the others about this. Not until you have a full theory. They are all a bit sensitive around the topic of Rachel. Especially Percy. Keep this between us. If you want, you can come to me with any theories you have."

"Thanks Thalia."
"Anytime Wise Girl."
I scrunch up my nose.

"No?" Thalia laughs.

"I figured as much Annie. Now I better get my beauty sleep before this sneaking out thing."

"I thought I told you that we have to meet at 2am. That'll take too long."

"Yeah, yeah. Be mean. I get it." Thalia says laughing.

I smirk and wave as she leaves.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt