Apocalyptic Love pt. 10

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Word count: 1000+


My feet contact with a walker's shoulders, sending it crumpling to the ground.

I do a roll to break my fall.

I turn quickly and stab the walker I had landed on in the head.
I duck to avoid the snapping teeth of a walker to my right. It stumbles and looks around in a daze. A groan emits from its mouth.

Just as I'm about to tackle it, it slumps forward with a spray of blood hitting me. Percy shot it.

"I said cover me not take my kills!" I yell up at him.
"You're welcome!" He yells back.
I roll my eyes.

Percy shoots a walker right behind me and I side-step to avoid being crushed. I dash forward at another walker. I kick it in the knee, it falls forward. I take advantage of its position and put my knife through its skull.

As I yank the knife out, another walker falls to my left. Blood seeps from its head.

I repeat my earlier move two more times. The knee of the second makes a crack sound. The calf of the walkers leg rips off and flies forward.

I shoot it in the head as Percy calls from above me.

"That was nasty!"

He shoots another walker.

I hear his gun click as he goes to shoot another one. He's out.

"Oh shit! Annabeth watch out!"

A weight hits me on the back, sending me forward. I land on something wet and squishy, blood sprays up towards my face.
A shot sounds. The walker on my back goes limp.
I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm not bitten.

Thank the gods that Percy is fast at reloading.

There's a final shot and slump as the last walker falls.

"Don't worry Annabeth! I'm coming!"

I lay still under the walker. There's no point struggling if Percy's on his way.

I wipe away sweat from my face. When I bring my fingers away I cry out. It's not sweat. It's a load blood.

I didn't think that much had gotten me.

My eyes focus on the grass near my hands. It's peppered in blood and bits of human matter. Something brushes against my fingers.

An inhuman noise sounds from my mouth.

I try to dart backwards but I'm stuck in place.

"Percy!" I screech.

I feel like throwing up. This reminds me of the time I had parts of Matthew all over me. But this time it's not Matthew...its Rachel.

Skin, blood and bodily fluid covers the grass.

The walkers had pulled her completely apart...and I had landed right in the middle of what was left of her.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt