Apocalyptic Love pt. 2

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He was bitten.

The man disappeared instantly, blending in with the crowd. Annabeth stared down at Matthew's body. She shook her head and stood up. She's got to go...got to...got to get out of here. But what about Bobby? Can she just leave him?
Annabeth felt a stabbing pain. She was going to have to leave him behind. She was going to have to betray her family. For her own survival.
He was probably dead anyway. She convinced herself. It didn't make her feel any better.

Annabeth grabs her knife and steps away from Matthew. Whatever is happening in this world...she knew it couldn't be good.

She runs as fast as she can. Behind her, all she hears is the echoing gunshots, the screams of people and this low chorus of moaning and stamping feet.

Time skip

"Dad!?" She yells as she enters the house.
"Are you here?" She bangs into the wall as she runs around the corner. She enters the hallway and runs up the stairs.
"Dad!?" Annabeth looks into each room she passes. She reaches the bathroom. She tries to open it but it's locked.

"Dad are you in there?" She yells against the door. She hears a small groan in response. She steps back from the door and looks it over. She tries to shoulder barge it. She hisses in pain when she hits it. She's not strong enough to break this door down with her shoulder.

Annabeth decides to use the tactical approach...and unlock the door.
She grabs a bobby pin from her room and bends it to a different shape.
She puts it in the lock and starts to jimmy it back-and-forth and up-and-down. The door doesn't unlock. Annabeth tries to jam the pin in harder. When she goes to attempt to unlock it again, the pin gets stuck.
"God dammit!" She whisper-yells.

"Fuck it."

Annabeth kicks at the door. It moves a little. She kicks again and again until the door starts to open. She walks up to it and puts her knife in the crack. She pushes her weight against the knife, using it like a crowbar. The door swings open and Annabeth stumbles, unbalanced.

She laughs hysterically, she thought the knife was going to break, not actually open the door.

She catches herself before she falls and focuses her attention to the bathroom. Annabeth freezes when she sees her step-mother lying in the middle of the room, froth coming from her mouth. She watches as the woman's body jerks. Her fingers spasm and cramp.

Annabeth wishes away the sick feeling in her stomach.

She walks towards the woman she had spited for so long. She kneels beside her. Her eyes search over the woman's body. They rest on the shining bite on her forearm.
"But you weren't even near...." Annabeth stands up and looks around. How the heck did she get bitten? She wasn't even near the...the..misty-eyed.
She searches the bathroom for anything out of the ordinary. The only thing she sees are the tablets next to the basin. She picks them up and looks at them. They're just her dad's headache tablets. He'd been feeling off for the past week, with a fever.

Realisation dawned on Annabeth a second too late.

She turned to find something fall on her, pinning her to the ground. Her father. His eyes were misty and white, blood poured out of them and seemed to burn her skin wherever it's droplets fell.

Annabeth holds his shoulders back as his teeth try to bite and rip off her flesh.

Her father was no longer her father...just some lifeless, brainless monster that sought to eat the flesh of the living.

Annabeth cried out as his fingers started to scratch at her face, attempting to claw out her eyes.
His breath smelt like death itself. His teeth were yellow, with the staining of red patches around the roots of his teeth, and his gums. They showed that he had bitten his own wife after he had turned.

Annabeth turned her head to the side and looked for her knife. She had lost it when he had fallen on her. She spotted it under the sink basin.

Annabeth looked back to the monster and tried to make a plan. It was strong so she wouldn't hold out like this for much longer. She had to kill it..stab it's brain out.

Annabeth huffed and pushed her father away, kicking him in the face. She scrambled for her knife. Her fingers touched the edge of it when she heard the groaning of the infected.

She turned around and kicked it again and again while her fingers gripped the knife. She struggled to her feet. She had to kill it....she had to stab her father.

No matter how much she had hated him for hating her, she still didn't want to. He still was her father after all. Annabeth put her foot on the creatures head, holding it down. She screamed half in fury, half in torment as she brought the knife down. It made a puncture in the back of her father's skull. She brought her arm up again and brought the knife back down. Each stab sent a splash of blood and brain matter up to hit Annabeth. She gagged and finally stopped stabbing.

Her father lay still.

His skull was squished and cracked, blood flowed from it and staining Annabeth's shoes.

She cries and steps back to avoid the flow. She looks to her left. Her step mother has stopped breathing. Soon she'll turn also. Annabeth inhales a shaky breath before stabbing the knife through her step-mother's skull also.
She lets go of the knife and watches as it shakes back and forth through the centre of her skull. Annabeth steps away from the bodies, leaving the knife where it is.

She doesn't want it anymore.

She closes the bathroom door and runs to her room. She changes into fresh clothing and better shoes. She grabs a backpack and starts loading it with essential items. A change of clothes, a thin blanket, a torch, food, water and batteries. She runs to her father's room. Fresh tears spring to her eyes as she enters it.
She rummages through his drawers until she finds what she wants.


She grabs two of his guns and a whole heap of ammunition. She shoves one of the guns and the ammo into her bag. She finds a holster to put the other one in.
She silently thanks the lord that her father is..was..a police officer. (OOC I know- sorry)
Annabeth finally grabs another knife and sheafs it.
She would prefer not having to use it because that would mean getting close to the things, but maybe she would need it to be silent.

Annabeth walks out of her house, leaving the front door open behind her. She walks down the street, ignoring the various sounds and people.

If she's going to survive whatever this is, she'll be better off on her own.
No one to slow her down- no one to have to look after.

Just herself.

That's all she should have to worry about. Herself- and survival.

As the city went into utter chaos when the power went out, Annabeth continued walking.

And she never looked back.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt