Drama Queen

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I had spent a full 8 bucks just to see her perform. She didn't know me, of course. I was just some creepy poor stalker that wanted to see her perform. I'm now guessing that a lot of you have no idea who I'm talking about. Well I'll tell you.
I'm talking about the most beautiful, the most talented and the nicest girl I have ever met. Annabeth Chase. This weekend, I am going to her drama performance (she's the lead). And I'm finally going to say more to her than
Yeah I know, I am such a ladies man. But I am determined to at least say that she was amazing, or that she's beautiful, or that...would she go out with me? Or even just, hello my name is Percy Jackson.
So yes, I had spent a full $8 on Annabeth. But I was certainly ready to spend more on her other performances if I got to see her in her element: on stage. I was waiting in the queue to get inside. I had gotten here an hour earlier so I could get a seat in the front but it seems I wasn't the only one with this idea. There's about ten guys in front of me also wanting to see Annabeth...although not all have good intentions.  We go to a school that has very lenient rules and teachers. There's the classic bad boys, the players and a whole other range of idiots that I'll see working at McDonalds later in life. Don't get me wrong, it's not just guys at the school that are jerks. There are the mean girls, and others who should really think about wearing clothes that don't have rips in them.
Annabeth is not like the other girls though. She's tough, she's pretty but she's also quiet. All the girls seem to be jealous of her but she says nothing of it. All the guys seem to want to sleep with her but she stays above all that. She stays respectful, she gets good grades and she always auditions for a range of drama plays.
I get inside and take a seat next to some jock who is betting with the guy next to him $30 that he can kiss Annabeth afterwards and get it on video. I fight the urge to punch the guy. Sure the only reason why I'm watching this performance is because she's in it but I'm not going to do anything to Annabeth. The most I'm going to do is congratulate her and then run away.
About ten minutes later the lights go down and music starts to play. Lights fade up on the stage and Annabeth walks forward. I smile and watch the performance. And I can just say, she is amazing.
Everyone claps as it ends and the cast bows. The lights fade out on the stage and the auditorium lights are turned back on. I grab the pamphlet from under my seat and stand up just as the cast begins to file in to greet everyone. Before I get a chance to say anything to Annabeth, she is surrounded by a group of guys. A look of discomfort comes to her face but she puts her stage smile on. I sigh and push past everyone to leave. I guess I'll just stick to staring at the back of her head during math.
I exit and walk down the stairs. I pass a bin and throw out the pamphlet. I put my hands in my pockets and try to get past a group of families talking. They don't move so I decide to go the long way around.
"Hey Annabeth, I loved your performance tonight." I hear a males voice from around the corner. It sounds like the jock I was sitting next to earlier..which means that he's going to try and win the bet!
"Oh..thank you. But you're really not supposed to be around here. This is where we change from our costumes..." She trails off and I hear I bit of shuffling before there's a slight bang.
"What the heck are you doing?" I hear Annabeth say.
"Winning a bet."
I sprint around the corner. The jock has Annabeth pinned to the wall besides the door to the costume closet. He doesn't see me but Annabeth does. Her grey eyes plead with me. She wants me to do something. I look around quickly for something to use. When I see the video camera to the left I feel a sudden rage. This sick bastard is not going to do anything to her.
I run forward and grip the back of his jacket, pulling him off of her.
"What the fu-" he starts, whirling around to face me.
"Swearing lowers your vocabulary range mate."
"My vocab-"
"Oh sorry..didn't realize that you don't get big words."
"Why you little punk." He starts, walking towards me.
"I'd leave now mate. Unless you want to be kicked out of school."
"And how the fu-"
"Language." I say.
"-ck would you get me kicked out?"
"With this." I hold up the camera and make a break for it.
I hear his heavy treads after me. Okay so maybe I didn't think this through. Note to self: never run from a jock who is obsessed with football tackles.
I feel him grab onto me before pushing us both down. My nose hits the pavement and starts to bleed.
"Now what is going on here?" I look up and see the principal.
"He attacked me." I hear Annabeth say from behind me.
"And Percy stopped him. It's all on video." She picks up the camera from my hand and gives it to the principal.
"Well I guess that means you're going to have to come with me Daniel." I feel him get off me as he follows. He looks back at me and mouths something colourful.
I mouth "language" back.
I sit up and wipe my nose.
"Here." Annabeth crouches down next to me and hands me some cloth. I don't even question her before taking it. I hold it up to my nose. I wince.
"You're not holding it right." She says.
I reposition my hand.
"Oh just let me do it." She takes the cloth and dabs it under my nose. Her forehead creases in concentration.
I wince again.
"Sorry." She mumbles.
Hang on. What did she say earlier? Did she say that Percy stopped him? I don't remember telling her my name...
"How do you know my name?" I ask, bewildered.
"Of course I know your name. You're Percy Jackson. You're in my science, Math, English and Media classes." She states. She gently grabs my head and leans it back a little.
"Oh and by the way...you are horrible at subtlety. I can tell when you're staring at me and it's quite distracting." I blush and my eyes widen.
"I'm just teasing." She laughs. I awkwardly laugh along.
"Thank you by the way. I didn't know what that guy was going to do." She puts the cloth down and looks at me seriously for a few seconds. She shakes her head and smiles again, putting the cloth under my nose again.
"You know..you should really consider joining drama." She says.
"Why's that?" I ask, confused.
"Because you are very dramatic."she says. I stay silent, still confused.
"You're a drama queen. Accept it and embrace it Percy Jackson." She laughs and I can't help but smile.
So what if she pretty much just insulted my manliness....Annabeth Chase knows my name. And at the moment, I'm still content enough to settle for just that.

Percabeth One-shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt