Fight Me

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"No I mean seriously, you are badass."
Annabeth laughs and brushes my fringe away from my face.

"Okay Seaweed Brain. Whatever you think."
I smile at her gesture. I grab both her hands and hold them in mine. We look into each other in the eyes.

Annabeth struggles to suppress a laugh.

"Annabeth?" My lips quirk up into a grin.
"Oh yes Mr Percy Jackson?" She asks, with sarcastic seriousness.
I laugh and squeeze her hands.

"I'm trying to have a serious conversation here and you are making it quite difficult."

I look at her accusingly.

She bites on her lip. Her shoulders shake with laughter.

I grin as she bursts out laughing.
I laugh with her.

"You guys are truly adorable."
I look up as my mum, Sally, walks into the room with a cup of tea. She smiles at us, taking in the way we sit on the couch, laughing.

The TV quietly plays a Disney movie in the background as we face each other on the couch. Annabeth has her legs crossed, her whole body turned towards me. I have my legs off the couch, but I still face her.

I hold her hands in mine.

Annabeth laughs harder.
"What so funny?" Sally asks, laughing along. Annabeth's laugh is that contagious.

"Percy." Annabeth wheezes between laughs.

Sally looks over at me and rolls her eyes.
"What did he do now?"
I interrupt Annabeth.
"I was just simply stating a fact."
Annabeth grins at me. She shakes her head.

"Opinion really." She says.

Sally looks between us, confused.

" I'm lost." She says.
I speak again.

"Well earlier Annabath was on her phone, which as you know is dangerous for a demigod because monsters and beacons and such,
and I said to her that she was badass."

"Because I mean, seriously, she carries her phone around everywhere without a care in the world. It's like she wears a target on her back, or a beacon that flashes in the sky.
She might as well plaster a "fight me" sign to her back. And anyway, I made this point and I said she was badass. And then she laughed." I finish.

I watch as my mum and Annabeth exchange a quick glance. They have a silent conversation. I'm startled when they suddenly burst out laughing.

"What?" I laugh.
Annabeth leans close to me.

"You're adorable." She kisses me gently on the lips.

"Never change." She whispers.
I smile.

"So you're the badass and I'm the adorable one? I guess we can tell who's the man in the relationship then."

For the rest of the afternoon the three of us exchanged weird and quirky comments, always erupting into laughter.

I thank the gods for even the small times of peace I have with the ones I love.

And I do...I do love them.
Sally. Paul. And Annabeth.

Even when her badass skills intimidate me.

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