Episode 10

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Nigel stood in the large spacious living room of his and Richard's house , surrounded by many boxes of varying size. He still couldn't believe it. He adjusted his patch that covered his missing eye and squinted the other one as he took in everything.

His and Richard's house.

His house. He could not believe he actually had a house. And it was his and Richard's. Andrew and Glory had told him outside that the deed was in both their names. Richard was going to take on the mortgage payments. It was theirs. He had never owned anything before. Not even a car. And especially not a bloody damn house. And this was the house of his dreams. It made Spencer and DuBuis's house look like jack shit and theirs was very nice.

He walked to the big picture window and looked outside at the movers taking the remainder of their belongings off the large truck with the help of DuBuis as Spencer and Glory supervised. That yard was so gorgeous and green with the biggest oak tree he had ever seen gracing it. And the back was even better with apple and pear trees. He could just see them having family barbecues back there.

This all felt like a dream to him. This could not be his life. He had never thought that a kid from the St. Ignacio Children's Home in London, the one passed over by so many prospect families for real and imagined reasons, that that kid could achieve all this.

This house.

The restaurant which he was hoping could be open and running in October.


A family that actually seemed to care for and about him.

He heard a sound behind him and turned around to see his brother in law seated before him with a box on his lap. He smiled. Spencer had been surprised to see that Richard had purchased a portable ramp just so he could get in and out of their house. Nigel had heard him asking DuBuis " they actually want me coming over". Nigel had turned to him and said " of course we do, you bloody wanker, you are family and we love you".

" It seems to be coming along well," Spencer said precisely. " Except for the unpacking. That is for you and my brother. I hate unpacking and DuBuis is hopeless at it. "

Nigel smiled at him and tears glimmered in his eye. " This doesn't feel real. I don't deserve it. "

Spencer was quiet for a few moments. Then he spoke again, saying," Of course you deserve it. You make Richard so happy. I've never seen him so happy. For that you deserve this and so much more. I'm not a fan of mere sentiment but I am happy to have you in the family. I'm pleased to call you my brother. "

Nigel swallowed hard. " Thank you. And I hope my new brother accepts my offer to be bookkeeper for the restaurant. It'll only be part time so it shouldn't interfere with your going back to the college next semester. And the restaurant is completely handicapped accessible you know. "

Spencer smiled widely. " I would be honored to work for Richard and Nigel's. "

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