Episode 29

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Later that night Glory finished reading Rebecca a chapter of Alice In Wonderland and kissed her step granddaughter on the forehead as the child drifted off to sleep in her bed. She stood up and went to switch off the light before leaving and closing the door behind her. She saw Nigel sitting on the top step of the long steep carpeted staircase and was instantly worried because the young man was crying.

She hurried over to him and sat beside him, placing her hand on his shoulder. " Nigel, sweetheart, are you ok ? What is wrong? "

Nigel sniffed and wiped at his eye with the back of his hand. Then he looked at her with undisguised anguish on his scarred face. " I feel like I am screwing up everything. "

Glory shook her head. " No. You are not. Why do you feel like that? "

He sighed heavily. " Because I.... I just do. Deep down I don't feel like I deserve this. Any of this. Being happy. Being safe. Being secure. I'm going to screw up the restaurant. I'm going to screw up being a stepfather. Rebecca already hates me. And Richard will eventually get bored with me and he'll leave me. Or just put me out. Why wouldn't he? My own parents didn't even want me? "

He burst into more tears and she wrapped her arms around him as he sobbed. " Shh," she whispered softly. " Don't talk nonsense. You are a very smart and capable young man. I think you can do anything you put that head of yours to. The restaurant will prosper under you. And that little girl doesn't hate you. She loves her Daddy Nigel. She's going through some painful things. Losing a parent is horrible no matter the age. But she doesn't hate you. I have two children. I love my daughter and son but my goodness they were little pain in the asses. " She laughed faintly and thought she heard the young man chuckle. " That's parenting though. Now I'm closer than ever to Dodie and Alfred. More so Alfred but still. As for Richard. He adores you. He will never leave you. I look at you and him and Spencer and DuBuis and I see forever marriages. "

Nigel held onto her tightly and whispered into her hair," I'm just scared. "

" I know you are, precious one. We all get scared. I've been scared in my life. Trust me. If you ever get scared again please turn to me. You don't have a mama but you will always have a Glory. "

Nigel pulled slightly back and smiled softly at her. " I wish I had had a mother like you. "

Glory smiled back. " And I would have been honored to have a son like you. Now let's go finish this unpacking of yours, shall we? "

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