Episode 27

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" What can I do for you fine pig like gentlemen today? ," Bullet Lane said with a smooth smile as he greeted Detectives Wally Williams and Nate Jacks in front of his upscale Northwest DC condo development. He lifted his head proudly. He knew what these two broke ass White bitches thought of him. They thought he was just another worthless uppity Black thug. They would probably love to put six bullets in his back as he ran away like a bitch. His smile increased. His Alexander McQueen white double breasted suit cost over a thousand dollars retail while their baggy ass suits probably, no , likely, came straight off the rack from Wally World. If not the thrift store, he laughed inwardly. " I am surprised that you chose to make my acquaintance all the way from PG County way. Are you scared? Being down here in the ghetto with all " these people " ? " He laughed and reached out to clap Wally on the back.

Wally sidestepped him and stared him down with cold hard eyes. " There was a drug overdose of a twelve year old girl today. In Evergreen Acres. She was the secretary of state's daughter. And a student at Barrington Academy over in Hyattsville. "

Bullet kept smiling and his eyes drifted over to the nice firm ass of a young brown skinned mama jogging down the sidewalk past them. She smiled back at him. She looked familiar. Maybe she was one of his bitches. Fuck. She could be one of his baby mamas for all he knew. He had six. His daddy had twenty six but he was an old man. Bullet was only twenty nine. There was plenty of time to catch up to Panther. " I saw something about that. On CNN. Sad. Very sad. I thought things like that didn't happen in the" good neighborhood ". But what does that have to do with me? "

Wally kept talking," She oded on coke. It's your shit. Narcotics confirmed that fact. "

Bullet stopped laughing and narrowed his eyes. " I don't sell drugs. I'm just an ordinary businessman. My daddy and I even own a store. In Southeast. Got to give back to Ward Eight. I believe in remembering where I came from. Where do you two come from? "

" What kind of " businessman" are you, punk ? ," Nate snapped tersely. " You ain't no businessman. You sold that child drugs. Admit it. You been peddling that shit all over the county. Crack. Coke. Heroin. Pills. "

Bullet shook his head with amusement shining in his dark eyes. " No , indeed. I don't sell drugs. Never have. Never would. As I said. I'm a businessman. I give back to the community here. I donate money to charities. I opened a community center in Ward Eight. To keep the kids off the street. That's more than your people have done for my people. I also have a lawyer. Instead of telling lies on me and my legit business maybe you should go handle your business better. "

Wally said briskly," Yeah ? What do you sell in your so called business, Bullet? "

Bullet smiled coldly. " Dreams and opportunities. Now if you don't mind. I have an important meeting to attend. " He reached into his pocket and pulled out his black leather wallet. He removed a couple of hundreds from it and waved it in front of their faces.

" What the fuck is that ," Nate smirked. " A bribe, you piece of shit. "

" A bribe? Ohhhh , no ! I'm just reminding you both who has more in their pockets right now.  But good luck on finding out who sold that poor child those evil drugs. Why couldn't people listen to that old White lady who said" Just Say No " ?"

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