Episode 36

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Evergreen Acres

Judge Beverly Bennett was not particularly happy that morning as she sat  enjoying a breakfast of coffee and a cream cheese bagel on the enclosed patio of her three story colonial style house in the upscale development of Evergreen Acres.

First the police presence across the street at the Chou house was disturbing her greatly. Yes , she did sympathize with the Chou family over the loss of their daughter but that didn't mean she wished to look out of her window to see those people crawling all over the neighborhood. She and Horace paid too much for their home especially in property taxes to be inconvenienced in such a truly common way. It was not her or her husband's fault that their daughter was stupid enough to become involved with drugs of all things.

She nodded regally at the black dressed white aproned young Black maid that silently poured her more coffee. " Do not forget to polish the silver today, whatever your name is," she snapped firmly as she took a sip of coffee. It was just like she liked it. Dark and strong with no cream and sugar. And hot. " And this coffee is foul ! Make a fresh pot. Immediately. "

The maid silently nodded back at her employer and said ," Yes , Judge Bennett. "

Then as the maid returned back into the large sprawling house she returned to once again brooding. This time over the text message from her ridiculous ex husband Richard Norland. The man was impossible. He was the one who chose to come out of the closet and marry that male secretary of his. What a foolish man he was. At forty two marrying not only a man but such a young man ! He was the laughing stock of the club if not the legal world. She even heard that his senior partners Ethan and Claire wanted to buy him out of the law firm since he apparently had not been to work in forever. That both puzzled and amused her. She knew he had had a heart attack but the Richard she knew would never have let that keep him from working. The man was addicted to work. Not that she cared what he did. Unless it affected her. Which it currently did.

She thinned her lips as she reread the abominable text message from him. How dare he allow their son to be arrested for trying to kill him? It was ridiculous to think Niles would do such a thing. But to stop paying tuition and his allowance! It was nonsense. What did the foolish man think their son would act like when he found out all of this strange business that was going on ? Of course Niles was upset but he certainly didn't try to kill him. Now she had to figure out a way to get Niles out of this trouble. Luckily her former mother in law Doris was dating that wonderful senator who had friendly ties with the Prime Minister of England. She took a nibble of the bagel delicately. Doris had emailed her that she would have Reilly make a few calls to the right people over there and this terrible messy business would be settled quickly.

Of course the school headmaster had also emailed and requested that they remove Niles as a student which was very aggravating to her. It meant the boy would have to move back home and attend a school here. Possibly Barrington Academy. Barrington was the best private school around.

" It's quite irritating," she murmured to herself. " Richard should be paying for Barrington at the least. The school cost was part of the child support agreement. We may need to return to court and settle this. "

She smiled gingerly. You would think he would want to embrace his sons especially since he was about to lose Rebecca according to Doris. Foolish man.

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